Showing what I do with tomato paste, even after 3 months of storage does not mold

Buying tomato paste in a bank or other large container is profitable. But if you rarely use it, there is a risk that even in the refrigerator, the remains of the paste will become moldy. However, there are a few small tricks, thanks to which you can store a can of tomato paste for months.

Below you will find out the most effective ways to store tomato paste. But before you proceed to their study, remember the most important advice. First of all, accustom yourself to the fact that taking tomato paste from a jar should be a clean dry spoon. The less paste comes into contact with other products, the longer it will be stored!

To save tomato paste will help ordinary mustard, and the sharper it is, the better. Just put mustard on the lid on the inside and close the jar tightly. Mustard seeds are a natural antiseptic and preservative. By the way, these properties have most of the sharp seasonings. That is why in countries with hot climates, food is abundant with spices.

You can replace mustard with pharmacy mustard. Cut out of the mustard circle the size of the neck of the can and when closing put under the lid with a mustard layer down. And if you have mustard powder at home, then sprinkle it a little with a cobbleed paste.

Another popular way to save tomato paste is to pour it with vegetable oil. First, properly level with a clean spoon the remains of the paste in the jar so that the surface becomes as equal as possible. Then pour on top a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil so that it completely covers the paste.

The oil interferes with air access, which means that the mold will not develop, and your tomato paste will remain usable for a long time.

If there is no vegetable oil at hand, pour a teaspoon of vinegar on the surface of the paste. Vinegar is also a preservative, and the paste can be stored in this form for a couple of months. However, this method is poorly suited to people with increased sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract. Tomato paste itself is quite acidic, and vinegar will further increase its acidity.

Another great way to save tomato paste is to freeze it. Move the paste into a bag with a zip fastener, evenly spread inside and place in the freezer.

Directly in the jar paste can not be frozen, otherwise you will suffer, picking out the desired piece from the frozen mass. If you freeze the paste with a thin flatbread, then it will be easy to break the necessary amount from it. You can even divide the paste in the package into the expected portions before freezing.

YouTube can also be packed into separate bags before freezing. To do this, make small cams from food film or use ready-made small bags with a zip fastener. And if you have ice molds lying around, use them.

Thanks to these tips, you can keep your pasta for months. Do not forget to periodically look in the refrigerator and check the safety of products. Otherwise, no life hacks will save!


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