Between us, pickle fans, I share "Villain" garlic cucumbers

Prepare. cucumbers in a jar Every housewife dreams with garlic. So I want to surprise relatives with an excellent treat, and try the most delicious cucumbers. There are so many recipes around, but which one is the right one? We offer to prepare cucumbers "Villainous". Maximum crunch, spicy and even a "secret" 40-degree ingredient.

Cucumbers in a jar of garlic Why did ordinary pickles get such an ominous name? Firstly, because of the large amount of garlic. The mixture comes out sharplyThat adds to the vegetables aroma and pleasant taste. Secondly, cucumbers get their own dose of a strong drink and therefore could earn their name. You need to be even a cunning to make your way to the refrigerator at night and crack cucumbers almost silently.

The ingredients
  • 2kg cucumber
  • 2 tbsp salt
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 50g "white"
  • 10g citric acid
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • green
  • spice

Crunchy find Preparation
  1. Preliminary. cook up cucumbers and greens for pickling. Vegetables thoroughly wash, dry and trim all unnecessary elements. From greenery you can take dill umbrellas, dill leaves and parsley. If desired, add cherry or currants to the jars.
  2. To avoid all kinds of risks, banks should be sterilized beforehand. This can be done in the oven, in the microwave or over steam from a large pan. Choose the right method, but always be careful and attentive during this procedure.

Put cucumbers, greens and garlic in clean cans. Bring to a boil a mixture of water, citric acid, salt, sugar. Such a marinade should be twice filled with each jar. First you need to fill the jar, wait 10 minutes, drain the marinade back into the pan and repeat the manipulation. Only after the marinade is poured into the cucumbers for the second time, you can add a drunken drink to the jars and roll them. It is the abundance of garlic and the presence hooligan Make pickles crunchy. They can be stored even without a refrigerator at optimal room temperature.

Sharp cucumbers in a jar with garlic Excellent cucumbers in about a month you can open and eat just like that. They are so pleasant and delicious. Moreover, there are many options where to use pickles In a jar of garlic. Serve to fresh kebabs or grilled meat. Add to a light summer salad or present on a large vegetable plate. The dish will be in great demand anyway.

And how do you usually use pickled cucumbers? Do you prefer to store until winter and only then comfort yourself with crispy utilities? Or do you add spicy cucumbers to other dishes? Be sure to tell us in the comments. Do you like the idea of using a "secret bully ingredient" to marinate cucumbers? Or is it unnecessary?


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