I took 15 vases out of the apartment, life became easier and more pleasant
Decorating the apartment with flower pots, we hope to bring bright colors and freshness of the summer garden. However, some green pets can cause poor health. Why does that happen? And what houseplants should not be kept at home to protect yourself, your children and pets from danger? The answers are in our article.
What indoor plants to keep at home
The flower, popularly called the “elephant ear”, is known for the shape and color of its foliage. But not everyone knows that it is one of the most dangerous plants for cats and dogs. When swallowed, it can cause burning and severe swelling.
Peels oleander
A bush with bright pink flowers looks very attractive. But don’t get too close to him. It is no secret that even one leaf causes poisoning. And the use of oleander branches as skewers has led to death in the past.
One of the most unpretentious houseplants is the record holder for air purification. For this, he was even called a “vacuum cleaner”. Moreover, supporters of feng shui claim that chlorophytum brings harmony and peace to the lives of its owners. It would seem the perfect candidate to decorate your windowsill.
However, the leaf plate of the spider plant has sharp edges. If a child or pet accidentally swallows part of the leaf, damage to the mucous membrane cannot be avoided. To cats, chlorophytum resembles the grass they naturally use to clean their stomachs. Therefore, furry pets often chew on the leaves, which may not be safe for their health.
This plant is native to South America, it has magnificent large leaves of light green color. Despite all its elegance, dieffenbachia belongs to dangerous plants, since its juice is toxic.
When it hits the skin, it causes severe irritation, and when it hits the mouth mucosa, a tumor of the tongue and salivary glands. As a result, the person temporarily loses the ability to speak. It is for this reason that spotted dieffenbachia is popularly called “silent rod”.
Popular Flowers That Steal Your Health Fat girl egg-shaped
Some believe that the money tree absorbs bad energy, others believe that it can attract wealth to the house. Therefore, the miraculous plant is at home almost everyone.
At the same time, few people know that a fat person is dangerous. Its leaves contain arsenic. Because of this, their entry into the stomach can lead to poisoning. In short, if there are small children or pets in the house, it is better to get rid of the fat woman.
There are many signs associated with the dollar tree. Blossoming zamiokulkas portends a joyful event: wedding, career growth, unexpected profit. The plant is poisonous. And for children and pets who like to taste everything, it can be really dangerous.
This plant with erect leathery leaves is known to many under the name of “mother-in-law tongue”. Sansevieria is believed to protect the house from evil spirits and negative energy. But pets are unlikely to be grateful for such a neighborhood. After all, the “mother-in-law’s tongue” is toxic to them and can cause poisoning.
As you can see, there are many houseplants that can be dangerous to people and pets. Some of them are poisonous, others can cause allergies and headaches. Therefore, before you start growing a beautiful flower, it is better to study all the information about it. So you will take care of the health of your home, and green pets will bring you only joy.

What indoor plants to keep at home
- Ivy.
Try to keep a decorative vine as far away from children and pets as possible. This is because many varieties of ivy are poisonous. And touching leaves or flowers can cause an allergic reaction. - Milk triangular
The juice of many members of the milk family can cause burns. Therefore, for example, triangular milkweed should be taken care of only in rubber gloves. Otherwise, you risk getting irritated or even painful blisters on your skin. - Milk the most beautiful, or poinsettia
The second name of the plant is the Christmas Star. Indeed, the bright flowers of Poinsettia bloom in the most severe frosts and look like red stars. Although, in fact, here the merit is not the flowers, but the leaves framing them.
However, a beautiful flower has its drawbacks. The fact is that the stems of the plant contain a special juice that causes a severe burn when hitting the skin. Love the Christmas Star from a safe distance.
The flower, popularly called the “elephant ear”, is known for the shape and color of its foliage. But not everyone knows that it is one of the most dangerous plants for cats and dogs. When swallowed, it can cause burning and severe swelling.

Peels oleander
A bush with bright pink flowers looks very attractive. But don’t get too close to him. It is no secret that even one leaf causes poisoning. And the use of oleander branches as skewers has led to death in the past.

One of the most unpretentious houseplants is the record holder for air purification. For this, he was even called a “vacuum cleaner”. Moreover, supporters of feng shui claim that chlorophytum brings harmony and peace to the lives of its owners. It would seem the perfect candidate to decorate your windowsill.

However, the leaf plate of the spider plant has sharp edges. If a child or pet accidentally swallows part of the leaf, damage to the mucous membrane cannot be avoided. To cats, chlorophytum resembles the grass they naturally use to clean their stomachs. Therefore, furry pets often chew on the leaves, which may not be safe for their health.
This plant is native to South America, it has magnificent large leaves of light green color. Despite all its elegance, dieffenbachia belongs to dangerous plants, since its juice is toxic.

When it hits the skin, it causes severe irritation, and when it hits the mouth mucosa, a tumor of the tongue and salivary glands. As a result, the person temporarily loses the ability to speak. It is for this reason that spotted dieffenbachia is popularly called “silent rod”.
Popular Flowers That Steal Your Health Fat girl egg-shaped
Some believe that the money tree absorbs bad energy, others believe that it can attract wealth to the house. Therefore, the miraculous plant is at home almost everyone.

At the same time, few people know that a fat person is dangerous. Its leaves contain arsenic. Because of this, their entry into the stomach can lead to poisoning. In short, if there are small children or pets in the house, it is better to get rid of the fat woman.
There are many signs associated with the dollar tree. Blossoming zamiokulkas portends a joyful event: wedding, career growth, unexpected profit. The plant is poisonous. And for children and pets who like to taste everything, it can be really dangerous.

This plant with erect leathery leaves is known to many under the name of “mother-in-law tongue”. Sansevieria is believed to protect the house from evil spirits and negative energy. But pets are unlikely to be grateful for such a neighborhood. After all, the “mother-in-law’s tongue” is toxic to them and can cause poisoning.

As you can see, there are many houseplants that can be dangerous to people and pets. Some of them are poisonous, others can cause allergies and headaches. Therefore, before you start growing a beautiful flower, it is better to study all the information about it. So you will take care of the health of your home, and green pets will bring you only joy.
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Every year I am grateful to my parents for the education they gave me.