Found a tar soap and bathed aphids on currants, try, do not be afraid.
Processing currants - It's a good thing. For 3 years she fought this scourge, and she didn't care about the light bulb. It is good that last summer, on the advice of a wise neighbor, I tried this remedy. She found tar soap and bathed in currant aphids. The result exceeds all expectations!
Today's edition. "Site" share emergency methods currant salvage from nasty aphids. Try it, don't be afraid!
Many people think that aphids are an ailment, and are treated with drugs from it, but in fact it is a pest that causes quite noticeable damage, affecting the appearance of the plant and its yield.
Gallic aphids to a greater extent attack “colored” currant (red, white) and to a lesser extent black. On the surface of the leaves appear bumps or bloating bright red color, and on the reverse side are visible insects, this is aphids.
It is one of the best yet budgetary folklore Fighting aphids is a soapy solution. You can take the usual green, green, tar and even toilet soap. You need to make a tiny soap solution to process the plant. To do this, 300 grams of soap are soaked on the floor and 10 liters of water.
Onion husk is another effective method in the fight against aphids. To do this, you need 200 grams of onion husks to brew in a bucket of boiling water. Then the bush can be sprayed with infusion.
I was advised by my neighbor to prepare “Sick Nat”. Take, he says, 2 glasses of wood ash and 100 grams of plain liquid soap or whatever. Pour the ash with hot water and boil for about 30 minutes. Then strain the infusion and dilute with water to a volume of 10 liters. At the end of the day, add soap. The method works perfectly!
You can also fight aphids with a dandelion. 200 grams of dandelion along with the roots of the plant are poured in a bucket with boiling water. Let it brew, then pour all the branches and leaves of the bush.
And they also say that you can spray places affected by aphids, Coca-Cola. I haven’t tried it myself, but gardeners on the forums write that the method is effective!
“Well, as soon as the leaves start, I pick up nettles, break it down, and under all the bushes. Currant, gooseberry, roses... Beautifully blooming! – finished sharing with me the wisdom of the neighbor. I'll take a note and advise you!
I also suggest you find out next to which plants you do not need to plant currants. Much depends not only on the bush itself, but also on the cultures growing next door!
If you think that all this is not enough, of course, you can use chemicals, but you need to choose them carefully. For example, Fitowerm is of biological origin and relatively harmless to humans. Apply purchased Drugs are needed locally. Treat only those plants on which aphids are the most.
Treatment of currants from aphids is not so intricate, in fact, as the aphid itself. How do you fight this scourge?
Today's edition. "Site" share emergency methods currant salvage from nasty aphids. Try it, don't be afraid!

Many people think that aphids are an ailment, and are treated with drugs from it, but in fact it is a pest that causes quite noticeable damage, affecting the appearance of the plant and its yield.
Gallic aphids to a greater extent attack “colored” currant (red, white) and to a lesser extent black. On the surface of the leaves appear bumps or bloating bright red color, and on the reverse side are visible insects, this is aphids.

It is one of the best yet budgetary folklore Fighting aphids is a soapy solution. You can take the usual green, green, tar and even toilet soap. You need to make a tiny soap solution to process the plant. To do this, 300 grams of soap are soaked on the floor and 10 liters of water.
Onion husk is another effective method in the fight against aphids. To do this, you need 200 grams of onion husks to brew in a bucket of boiling water. Then the bush can be sprayed with infusion.

I was advised by my neighbor to prepare “Sick Nat”. Take, he says, 2 glasses of wood ash and 100 grams of plain liquid soap or whatever. Pour the ash with hot water and boil for about 30 minutes. Then strain the infusion and dilute with water to a volume of 10 liters. At the end of the day, add soap. The method works perfectly!

You can also fight aphids with a dandelion. 200 grams of dandelion along with the roots of the plant are poured in a bucket with boiling water. Let it brew, then pour all the branches and leaves of the bush.
And they also say that you can spray places affected by aphids, Coca-Cola. I haven’t tried it myself, but gardeners on the forums write that the method is effective!

“Well, as soon as the leaves start, I pick up nettles, break it down, and under all the bushes. Currant, gooseberry, roses... Beautifully blooming! – finished sharing with me the wisdom of the neighbor. I'll take a note and advise you!

I also suggest you find out next to which plants you do not need to plant currants. Much depends not only on the bush itself, but also on the cultures growing next door!

If you think that all this is not enough, of course, you can use chemicals, but you need to choose them carefully. For example, Fitowerm is of biological origin and relatively harmless to humans. Apply purchased Drugs are needed locally. Treat only those plants on which aphids are the most.
Treatment of currants from aphids is not so intricate, in fact, as the aphid itself. How do you fight this scourge?
In the summer, baking air cake from sand dough, lightness conquers from the first piece
I quickly put all the products in the pan and forget about them, and dinner is prepared by myself.