Children beg to make gypsy chocolate pancakes on Shrovetsa, others are not recognized now

What dessert to serve on the table in olive-week? Of course, pancake! Today we bake pancakes, but we add an unusual ingredient to the dough, which gives pancakes not only a dark color, but also a deep chocolate taste. The recipe for chocolate pancakes with coconut shavings was peeked at the gypsy Galina, for which she is very grateful.

Pancakes come out fragrant, thin and surprisingly delicious! Such pancakes are pleasant to feed relatives and boast in front of guests.

Chocolate Pancake Recipe Today Edition "Site" Share the preparation instructions pancake with coconut. It's impossible to break away!

The ingredients
  • 200g flour (10 tbsp)
  • 2 eggs
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 50g sugar (2 tbsp)
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 20g coconut shavings (2 tbsp)
  • 400 ml of milk
  • 30g cocoa (2 tbsp)
  • 150ml boiling water
  • butter

  1. Pour flour and sugar into a deep bowl, kick the eggs.

  2. Add the coconut shavings, cocoa and salt. Pour half the milk and stir until homogeneous, so that there are no lumps.

  3. Pour the second half of milk, boiling water and vegetable oil. Stir it. Leave the dough to rest for half an hour.

  4. Fry pancakes in a well-heated pan with butter. Pour the pan dough ladle and stretch the dough all over the pan surface. Fire on both sides until ready. It takes about 15-20 seconds for each pancake.

  5. Every pancake is smeared with vegetable oil. Bon appetit!

In order to get more detailed information pancakeWatch the video from the culinary YouTube channel "Galina Kitchen". All the recipes of the beautiful hostess Galina are obtained from the first time and hurrah!

Editorial Council I also suggest to find out how to prepare hearty snack pancakes with a heap of greens and boiled eggs. Let the stuffing lightly bake, put the pancake with a stove on the dish and immediately grease with butter!

This recipe. pancake Very successful. The pancakes come out tender, thin and into a hole. With such pancakes, you can make a pancake cake. As a cream, you can use sour cream with sugar or condensed.


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