Wise monk Andronicus told when to expect the end of the war
In difficult times, people often listen to a variety of forecasts. Instantly, an unprecedented authority is acquired by various astrologers, soothsayers, political scientists and other experts. Moreover, each listener is left to choose the “speaker” himself, whose reflections and predictions he will carefully follow.
Today's edition. "Site" He wants to know what he thinks about everything that happens. monk Athos. After all, his point of view seems to us quite reasonable and sound, if we talk about the timing of the end of the war.
Icon painter monk Andronikos often records appeals to laity on a variety of topics. And here you can really learn a lot of interesting things, you will get wise advice on any issue. Of course, grateful viewers asked the monk Andronik about the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army.
I am asked what the Elders of Athos say about the war in Ukraine and when it will end. Everyone says with one voice that this must stop, that the war must stop. And the sooner the better.”
“There will be hundreds and hundreds of victims every day. Every day will cause terrible material damage. And most importantly, there will be schism, bitterness and hatred, said the monk Andronikos.
“As for timing, I say the same thing every time. Do not seek from us prophecies, visions and revelations. The Elders on Athos do not prophesy. If you are told that someone on Mount Athos said a prophecy, just ignore it.”
“On Mount Athos, no true elder, in his right mind, will speak any prophecy. Even if a revelation is given to someone, only he and his confessor know it.
“Therefore, do not believe any such publications, do not trust any such messages sent to you. The elders do not prophesy. Elders pray on Mount Athos“The wise monk Andronikos concluded his thought.”
It is noteworthy that the audience appreciated this response. In the comments they began to thank the Elders of Athos for their prayers. People also expressed hope that the war would end soon. Can't this madness last long?
Of course, normal people want peace, so they hope for peace. But it is unlikely that today you can find a person who will name the exact date of the end of the war. After all, it is likely that even the Kremlin leaders who launched the invasion of Ukraine now do not know how to get out of this story after everything they have done.
Let us believe in the best, for reason and good will prevail. It can't be otherwise.
Today's edition. "Site" He wants to know what he thinks about everything that happens. monk Athos. After all, his point of view seems to us quite reasonable and sound, if we talk about the timing of the end of the war.

Icon painter monk Andronikos often records appeals to laity on a variety of topics. And here you can really learn a lot of interesting things, you will get wise advice on any issue. Of course, grateful viewers asked the monk Andronik about the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army.

I am asked what the Elders of Athos say about the war in Ukraine and when it will end. Everyone says with one voice that this must stop, that the war must stop. And the sooner the better.”
“There will be hundreds and hundreds of victims every day. Every day will cause terrible material damage. And most importantly, there will be schism, bitterness and hatred, said the monk Andronikos.

“As for timing, I say the same thing every time. Do not seek from us prophecies, visions and revelations. The Elders on Athos do not prophesy. If you are told that someone on Mount Athos said a prophecy, just ignore it.”
“On Mount Athos, no true elder, in his right mind, will speak any prophecy. Even if a revelation is given to someone, only he and his confessor know it.
“Therefore, do not believe any such publications, do not trust any such messages sent to you. The elders do not prophesy. Elders pray on Mount Athos“The wise monk Andronikos concluded his thought.”

It is noteworthy that the audience appreciated this response. In the comments they began to thank the Elders of Athos for their prayers. People also expressed hope that the war would end soon. Can't this madness last long?

Of course, normal people want peace, so they hope for peace. But it is unlikely that today you can find a person who will name the exact date of the end of the war. After all, it is likely that even the Kremlin leaders who launched the invasion of Ukraine now do not know how to get out of this story after everything they have done.

Let us believe in the best, for reason and good will prevail. It can't be otherwise.
One night I couldn't sleep, so I decided to make potatoes from a street diner.
As soon as young zucchini with a thin skin appear on the market, I make such a snack with garlic, guests cannot be torn off.