Grandson puzzled after watching the “Office novel”, asks to explain what the expression “to change the coat” means

Some films remain relevant even decades later. And watching such old, but very high-quality films is very interesting. After all, let the screen do not have any modern special effects, and the plot does not unfold with great speed, but there is something else. Some kind of special atmosphere.

And today's edition. "Site" We invite you to discuss your favorites. "Office Romance". Of course, this picture is loved by older people. However, sometimes someone very young can be added to the viewing. And representatives of the new generation may not understand many moments that occur on the screen.

Film "Office Romance" Fans of the film will easily remember the episode when Lyudmila Prokofievna Kalugina and her subordinates suddenly came to the statistical institution, where they work, with an inventory. And, despite the indignation of the boss, the “strangers” began to check all available furniture, equipment and so on.

Surely the young viewer will be surprised and completely understand nothing. What's going on here? And who are these people who so unceremoniously disrupt the work of the institution?

The fact is that inventory in Soviet times was of great importance. Special workers were responsible for verifying the existence of the organization’s assets. Moreover, the working day of these, as Secretary Verochka put it, the “raiders” was the same as that of all the others. So we had to get out and take inventory during working hours.

Of course, the inventory is carried out today, just the time for this is not chosen working. Therefore, young people do not know about the inspection and inventory of property, which is carried out either on weekends or even at night. And for many organizations, inventory has become a formality, it is not treated as responsibly as before.

What does it mean to get a thing? Not all viewers will understand what the secretary Verochka says, who “obtained batniches from Cardin for only 50 rubles.” But those who bought rare items from speculators, or defended long lines to buy something useful, know what it is about. Yes, and going to another city for wallpaper, sausage or clothes was common. That's why I had to get things.

This modern man is so used to a huge range of any goods that it is no longer surprising. And almost everything you need can be ordered with home delivery, so that you do not even have to wear shoes and go outside. But it wasn't always that way.

A lot has changed. For example, young people are unlikely to understand what it means to “overface your coat”. Although this meant reworking the outerwear so that the inside became the front. Today, a person will simply buy a new coat if the old one has ceased to suit him.

And the sign “closed on record”, which can be seen in more than one Soviet film, many young viewers will be confused. Although we are talking about the same check of the availability and condition of goods in a particular point of sale. And yes, this was also done during working hours. Customers had to wait or come later.

Surely our readers, who have found Soviet times, remember many phenomena that disappeared from life, but remained in old films. Write in the comments what you remember in this vein.


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