Table lamps in the XXI century
It would seem an era. table lamps It should have become a thing of the past with the advent of LED technologies, embodying not only the quality of light and safety, but also high efficiency at small sizes. However, this type of appliances is still quite popular and consumers have no problems with either the choice or the store to buy. Today, in order to buy desk lamp Good quality, just go online and order your favorite model.
Only 50 years ago, this lighting device was a symbol of status, reading, education and a full-fledged element of the desktop. Right now.desk lamp It is considered rather an attribute of classical style, more decorative than functional. To this day, such models can be seen in the offices of big bosses and various officials, where they stand, as they say, “for furniture”. The real benefit of such devices bring only schoolchildren and students who can sit for a long time over textbooks and notebooks. On the other hand, modern table lamps with a flexible leg, having a decent height and able to rotate in different directions, are quite in demand in such types of professions where workers require directed accented light.
About the purpose of table lamps and their place on the table
In the first representation, the task of each table lamp is precisely the local illumination of a sufficiently high intensity. No additional tasks table lamps But even with such a simple mission, not every model copes. The most important indicator of the correct operation of such equipment is both bright and soft light in a relatively small area. If such a source will emit too intense light flux, the eyes of a person will be uncomfortable. And in the opposite situation, with low brightness, it will simply be of little use. That is why quality ice-lamp It is a balance of several characteristics.
For work and study, it is traditionally customary to use models of small height, with an oblong or cone-shaped dome of the lens. Such products were in demand for more than fifty years, but today they fade into oblivion, and this process is forced. The thing is that now on any desktop will be a computer monitor or a whole laptop, and therefore low. desk lamp It just won't fit in there in size. It will block the screen and shine too low – where the papers are unlikely to lie.
At the present time, devices from the category under consideration have become much more elegant and high, they often have a rotary head, often provide several types of attachment to the base, in addition to a heavy sole - for example, a pinch or a string. The dome of the product, as before, is best placed on the left, but this time it is much higher - sometimes even behind the head if we are talking about models. table lampsconsisting of several sections at once or fixed on a pantograph.
Which table lamp to choose
It should be understood that there is no clear answer to this question. For each person and his tasks, the most optimal will be a variety of models. You can only rely on well-known principles that help at least initially orientate in the range. table lampswhich are on the market today.
For example, to work with papers, it is best to use products with an elongated shape of the diffuser, and if a person mainly works at his computer - models with rounded domes. In this case, in both cases, you should use matte light bulbs so as not to overstress your eyes. And as for the appearance of the products - it is not so important if the purpose of the purchase is not confined to the interior arrangement alone.
Source: 5watt.ua

Only 50 years ago, this lighting device was a symbol of status, reading, education and a full-fledged element of the desktop. Right now.desk lamp It is considered rather an attribute of classical style, more decorative than functional. To this day, such models can be seen in the offices of big bosses and various officials, where they stand, as they say, “for furniture”. The real benefit of such devices bring only schoolchildren and students who can sit for a long time over textbooks and notebooks. On the other hand, modern table lamps with a flexible leg, having a decent height and able to rotate in different directions, are quite in demand in such types of professions where workers require directed accented light.
About the purpose of table lamps and their place on the table
In the first representation, the task of each table lamp is precisely the local illumination of a sufficiently high intensity. No additional tasks table lamps But even with such a simple mission, not every model copes. The most important indicator of the correct operation of such equipment is both bright and soft light in a relatively small area. If such a source will emit too intense light flux, the eyes of a person will be uncomfortable. And in the opposite situation, with low brightness, it will simply be of little use. That is why quality ice-lamp It is a balance of several characteristics.
For work and study, it is traditionally customary to use models of small height, with an oblong or cone-shaped dome of the lens. Such products were in demand for more than fifty years, but today they fade into oblivion, and this process is forced. The thing is that now on any desktop will be a computer monitor or a whole laptop, and therefore low. desk lamp It just won't fit in there in size. It will block the screen and shine too low – where the papers are unlikely to lie.
At the present time, devices from the category under consideration have become much more elegant and high, they often have a rotary head, often provide several types of attachment to the base, in addition to a heavy sole - for example, a pinch or a string. The dome of the product, as before, is best placed on the left, but this time it is much higher - sometimes even behind the head if we are talking about models. table lampsconsisting of several sections at once or fixed on a pantograph.

Which table lamp to choose
It should be understood that there is no clear answer to this question. For each person and his tasks, the most optimal will be a variety of models. You can only rely on well-known principles that help at least initially orientate in the range. table lampswhich are on the market today.
For example, to work with papers, it is best to use products with an elongated shape of the diffuser, and if a person mainly works at his computer - models with rounded domes. In this case, in both cases, you should use matte light bulbs so as not to overstress your eyes. And as for the appearance of the products - it is not so important if the purpose of the purchase is not confined to the interior arrangement alone.
Source: 5watt.ua
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