Zodiac signs that are well received and grow plants

Becoming a skilled summer gardener or gardener is not for everyone. It happens that a person has a lot of desire to grow domestic or garden plants, but in practice it turns out poorly. Why is this happening? Is that a difficult task?

Astrologers believe that some zodiac signs plants grow better than others. This experts explain the phenomenon that in one person even a stunted flower will take and will bloom with a lush color, and in another, even the best seeds give a mediocre harvest. Coincidence or pattern?

Gardeners and gardeners, so today's edition "Site" Find out who is the best. gardeners zodiac sign. And we will also tell you which signs, according to experts, are the most difficult to cope with dacha affairs even if there is a great desire.

The best gardeners and gardeners
  1. Taurus.
    This zodiac sign is considered perhaps the most fertile. Caring hands of Taurus are able to give life even to a dry stick, not that high-quality seeds or seedlings. Still, it should be noted that often Taurus show excessive care, which can even spoil the final result. So with watering and fertilizers, these people need to find a balance, know the measure.

  2. Fish
    Representatives of this zodiac sign can grow anything they want. Both when planting and when transplanting their plants (especially flowers) quickly take root, develop perfectly in all respects. However, often the problem lies in the fact that Pisces do not particularly look at the weather, so they should get a landing calendar and learn to check with it.

  3. Scorpios
    Scorpions are able to grow a lot and quality. It is surprising that plants cared for by representatives of this sign are able to resist both pests and adverse conditions. Problems in suburban affairs in Scorpions arise when they prune or graft plants. It often happens that the latter fail to survive such shocks.

Worst gardeners
  1. Raki
    Insecure Cancers often cannot even choose the variety they want to see on their own site. Therefore, they can plant five varieties of radishes at once, and then hope that at least one of them will give a decent harvest. Cancers are constantly trying various fertilizers, checking in practice the advice of neighbors and recommendations from the Internet. They swing between different approaches to find the best one. As a result, the constant fuss is so annoying to the summer resident that he simply sells the land and forgets this experience as a terrible dream.

  2. Sagittarius
    These gardeners often lack a systematic approach. If Sagittarius liked the plant, then he will definitely plant it on his site. However, he will not be interested in what care should be, what conditions are needed, what is better to take seeds. Hope usually doesn’t bring anything good. Therefore, Sagittarius can only once again complain about the meager harvest.

It looks like this. gardeners Different zodiac signs in the eyes of astrologers. Write down how much it matches your experience. Is there really much truth in these descriptions?


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