Quality equipment for swimming pools at an affordable cost
Observed in recent years, the high demand for swimming pools requires improvement of the equipment intended for them, which could guarantee the correct and long-term operation. Important, increasing popularity, importance for these water structures, and presentability of their exterior, safety and comfort of swimming. All related problems for almost two decades successfully and without any claims from customers solves the company Aquapolis, certainly leading in the field of sales of pools and related equipment in Ukraine.
Extensive range of equipment
Aquapolis offers its customers a wide range of technical equipment for swimming pools, which, depending on the functions performed, is divided into 4 groups related to:
- climate and heating - represented by heat pumps, heat exchangers and electric heaters, as well as air dehumidifiers (for closed water bodies);
- filtration – carried out with the help of filters that perform mechanical cleaning of water from various kinds of contaminants;
- disinfection, which is carried out by devices that sterilize water and fight algae, bacteria, microbes and fungi. Uniform supply of all reagents used is carried out by pumps-dispensers presented on the portal https://aquapolis.ua/oborudovanie-dlja-bassejna.html along with other installations;
- water circulation and the creation of water effects, which are provided by pumps that supply water to reservoirs and its circulation. Through the use of compressor plants and feed pumps, water effects are created.
The right choice of equipment determines its functional utility.
The company Aquapolis, offering an extensive range of technical equipment pools, provides customers with criteria, according to which you should approach the most optimal choice, both in terms of parameters and configuration, materials of manufacture, and cost. They consist of:
- type of reservoir, that is, its area, volume, design specifics;
- the degree of its loading, the mode of operation and the estimated number of bathers;
- features of the environment - location, climate, installation conditions.
Why You Should Prefer Aquapolis
Giving preference when buying technical pool equipment, namely, Aquapolis, customers are guided by the advantages of the company, which are:
- extensive experience of non-advertising functioning in the industry;
- high quality and certification of the offered equipment supplied directly from the manufacturer;
- Unconditional hypoallergenicity of the products offered.
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