Is it true that the birth of children destroys the family idyll?
If you ask a married woman with no children who is her closest person, 90% of the time she will say, “My husband.” If you ask a woman and a child the same thing, the answer is, “My child.” That's how it works. family role To separate lovers once mom and dad from each other. Or not?
In fact, psychologists around the world consider this question still open. Some complain that together with the children, the family has new responsibilities that negatively affect the relationship within the married couple. Others argue that this is not the case, and in the end children only bring together and give meaning to marriage. Who is right and who is wrong is almost impossible to determine.
Statistics show that the number of divorces of childless families and families with children has almost levelled around the world. And the total number of divorces increased by 15%, compared to the nineties. The thing is that in our time, even young people manage to make much more acquaintances of varying degrees of seriousness than, for example, their parents at the same age. Why? Internet and affordable travel.
Again, statistically, in countries with good economies, most often have one child, a maximum of two. In countries where the economy is not so developed, children are having much more. And no divorces, even though parents may live apart. This is financially advantageous, so there is nothing surprising about such marriages.
But let's talk about kids. In our region, the average number of children in a family also does not exceed European indicators - 2 children. But the number of divorces in childless families is greater than it was in the nineties. Young people often marry simply out of interest, not realizing the baggage of responsibility for such actions. As a result, divorces are not uncommon in a year or two.
On the other hand, divorces in families with children or immediately after the appearance of the first child became less. The economic factor is traced. Fathers do not have to leave the family for lack of money. The economy has grown, and it has become much easier to raise your child with dignity. The birth of one or more children is encouraged by the state.
Are children a catalyst for separation between their parents? Well, the question is pretty complicated. First, you need to consider whether the couple wanted to have a child at all, whether they had the opportunity to do so. Second, the social opportunities of parents. It is good when you can not worry about the financial component of the appearance of children and their growing up. What if that's not possible? The negative will only accumulate.
Since the birth of a child, parents give part of their time and health only to their child. This means that now their union must also undergo some changes. Some couples get away with it. There are claims to each other, there is not enough strength to communicate and solve household problems.
The appearance of children, on the contrary, only brings together other couples. The child becomes the bridge that helps reconcile parents, give them another topic for conversation and generally gives meaning to be together. No one knows what will happen in the future, it is almost impossible to recognize the nature of the relationship between a couple and children.
Men and women should treat the replenishment differently. Men, so historically, are foragers. At some point in time, they should consider improving the family’s financial situation. Perhaps to sacrifice extra time, perhaps to show more creativity in the profession, definitely on their shoulders falls a difficult burden. This has been the case for generations up to this point.
Women, if they chose the role of the keeper of the hearth, are also obliged to allocate more energy to ensure that this hearth does not extinguish. From this point on, the child and husband become much closer to them. Psychologists advise not to single out someone on purpose. After all, it often happens that the husband, as the head of the family, simply jealous of the wife to the child because of the lack of attention and affection.
Marriage will become truly strong only when the man and woman in it understand their rights and duties. They will look at things maturely and see that now the closest people are not somewhere, far away, but here. In their apartment, in their house. Nearby. And to improve your life, you need to first think about everyone else. Working together.
This is called strong family ties. If people cultivate love and respect in themselves, other family members will follow suit. This technique works not only within the family, but also within society in general. That's why it's so simple and so effective.

In fact, psychologists around the world consider this question still open. Some complain that together with the children, the family has new responsibilities that negatively affect the relationship within the married couple. Others argue that this is not the case, and in the end children only bring together and give meaning to marriage. Who is right and who is wrong is almost impossible to determine.
Statistics show that the number of divorces of childless families and families with children has almost levelled around the world. And the total number of divorces increased by 15%, compared to the nineties. The thing is that in our time, even young people manage to make much more acquaintances of varying degrees of seriousness than, for example, their parents at the same age. Why? Internet and affordable travel.

Again, statistically, in countries with good economies, most often have one child, a maximum of two. In countries where the economy is not so developed, children are having much more. And no divorces, even though parents may live apart. This is financially advantageous, so there is nothing surprising about such marriages.
But let's talk about kids. In our region, the average number of children in a family also does not exceed European indicators - 2 children. But the number of divorces in childless families is greater than it was in the nineties. Young people often marry simply out of interest, not realizing the baggage of responsibility for such actions. As a result, divorces are not uncommon in a year or two.

On the other hand, divorces in families with children or immediately after the appearance of the first child became less. The economic factor is traced. Fathers do not have to leave the family for lack of money. The economy has grown, and it has become much easier to raise your child with dignity. The birth of one or more children is encouraged by the state.
Are children a catalyst for separation between their parents? Well, the question is pretty complicated. First, you need to consider whether the couple wanted to have a child at all, whether they had the opportunity to do so. Second, the social opportunities of parents. It is good when you can not worry about the financial component of the appearance of children and their growing up. What if that's not possible? The negative will only accumulate.
Since the birth of a child, parents give part of their time and health only to their child. This means that now their union must also undergo some changes. Some couples get away with it. There are claims to each other, there is not enough strength to communicate and solve household problems.

The appearance of children, on the contrary, only brings together other couples. The child becomes the bridge that helps reconcile parents, give them another topic for conversation and generally gives meaning to be together. No one knows what will happen in the future, it is almost impossible to recognize the nature of the relationship between a couple and children.
Men and women should treat the replenishment differently. Men, so historically, are foragers. At some point in time, they should consider improving the family’s financial situation. Perhaps to sacrifice extra time, perhaps to show more creativity in the profession, definitely on their shoulders falls a difficult burden. This has been the case for generations up to this point.

Women, if they chose the role of the keeper of the hearth, are also obliged to allocate more energy to ensure that this hearth does not extinguish. From this point on, the child and husband become much closer to them. Psychologists advise not to single out someone on purpose. After all, it often happens that the husband, as the head of the family, simply jealous of the wife to the child because of the lack of attention and affection.
Marriage will become truly strong only when the man and woman in it understand their rights and duties. They will look at things maturely and see that now the closest people are not somewhere, far away, but here. In their apartment, in their house. Nearby. And to improve your life, you need to first think about everyone else. Working together.

This is called strong family ties. If people cultivate love and respect in themselves, other family members will follow suit. This technique works not only within the family, but also within society in general. That's why it's so simple and so effective.
Europeans have abandoned rubber tiles, and we cover it with playgrounds
After marriage, you need to remove all friends, you can not invite anyone into the house.