Why children today don’t understand why we’re so excited about nineteenth-century poetry

The purpose of Pushkin's poetry is not easy. Literary critics still cannot understand all the meanings that the poet tried to put into his poems. Modern teenagers understand very little about them. And this is not surprising, because times change and many concepts are no longer close to us.

Psychologists have long known that thinking And the concepts that live in our minds are changing dramatically over time. In simple terms, what people thought 200 years ago has almost nothing to do with our way of thinking.

To be honest, in childhood and adolescence, I did not like poems and did not understand them. Over time, some writers fell in love with me. I love the work of Tsvetaeva. Many of the themes she reveals in her poems are close to me. For example, the themes of unhappy love and finding yourself in this world. For a while I was also fascinated by the works of Pasternak and Mayakovsky.

However, speaking about the work of Pushkin and others like him, older people often condemn modern children. All because, they say, teenagers do not understand anything about “real” poetry and do not like it. It is strange to me, because it is obvious that the realities of life, which often flash in both prose and verse, have changed long ago.

How can you like something you just don’t understand? Many words should be searched in the dictionary as if they were reading. poetry. It’s hard to get that instant pleasure. "Brothers furry", "kibitka", "toolup"... And I'm not talking about poetry. If love poetryIt is likely to be relevant in almost all centuries.

However, in poetry, poets poured out not only their love anguish. They wrote about everything that bothered them. Including society, politics and religion. Most of these things have long since lost their relevance. This is just my opinion, but such poems should not be liked. Some may be curious to read and listen to. musicality.

It is impossible to inspire love for something if the heart of a person, even if very young, does not lie to it. Perhaps in time he will see the beauty in the poems. Maybe not. For every creation there are admirers. Don't worry about that. And it is worth mentioning that many works are served to students very early. At an age when modern realities are as political sphereThey're not particularly interested...

How then can they become interested in the Decembrists or revolutionaries of the past? Their values are not well understood by modern children. And Love and respect without understanding It smells of duplicity and hypocrisy. There is nothing wrong with honestly admitting that you are not interested in the poets of a particular era and the themes of their work.

Tell us about your favorite poets and poets. If you don’t like poetry in general, we’ll be curious to see why. Maybe you don't like it when feelings are rhymed?


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