Black mold has occupied her bathroom! Then she took 1 bottle of this product.
Dark spots that suddenly appear on walls or ceilings are not harmless dust or webs. It's a special species. black-moldFrom now on, you will have to pay more attention to this phenomenon.
In addition to the destruction of finishing materials, the appearance of black mold entails many other troubles. The spores of this fungus easily penetrate the human body through the respiratory tract. Getting into favorable conditions, spores begin to germinate and cause severe allergic reactions, pneumonia, asthma and even candidiasis in a person.
Black mold is a whole group of fungi, which includes several varieties of microorganisms. Each of these fungi is dangerous in its own way, but only a few species pose a serious threat to health.
At home, there is no point in conducting tests - the fungus at home is not a place, no matter what kind it belongs to.
Most often, black mold appears in rooms with high humidity. These areas include the bathroom and kitchen. Cause. molding can be cracks in masonry, freezing walls in winter, poorly made repairs.
A faulty sewer or problems with water supply can also cause the appearance of this dangerous fungus in the house. The bathroom has all the conditions for its active development. Lack of sunlight, poor air circulation, high humidity - the fungus grows day by day!
Fighting with fungus can and should be. It should be understood that the method we propose today is effective only if the lesion is in the initial stage. Single mold spots can be localized and removed. If mold creeps all over the wall, you will have to resort to radical measures, such as replacing the plaster.
Any contact with mold is harmful to health. Before proceeding to treatmentPut on safety glasses, a respirator, gloves and tie your head with a handkerchief.
Hydrogen peroxide is an antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial agent. Peroxide is considered an excellent alternative to traditional bleachers. It is safe to use because it does not contain toxic substances and is safe not only for the environment, but also for humans.
To remove mold, take a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Pour it into the sprayer (you can take a sprayer for spraying flowers) and apply the product to the area covered with mold. Remove mold from the surface with a sponge. The sponge should be thrown out after that.
Wash the treated area with water and spray it again. Let the peroxide dry. After this procedure, all mold spores will be destroyed and its recurrence will be prevented.
Carefully monitor the cleanliness in your home. After all, it is much easier to prevent the problem than to deal with its consequences later!

In addition to the destruction of finishing materials, the appearance of black mold entails many other troubles. The spores of this fungus easily penetrate the human body through the respiratory tract. Getting into favorable conditions, spores begin to germinate and cause severe allergic reactions, pneumonia, asthma and even candidiasis in a person.

Black mold is a whole group of fungi, which includes several varieties of microorganisms. Each of these fungi is dangerous in its own way, but only a few species pose a serious threat to health.
At home, there is no point in conducting tests - the fungus at home is not a place, no matter what kind it belongs to.
Most often, black mold appears in rooms with high humidity. These areas include the bathroom and kitchen. Cause. molding can be cracks in masonry, freezing walls in winter, poorly made repairs.

A faulty sewer or problems with water supply can also cause the appearance of this dangerous fungus in the house. The bathroom has all the conditions for its active development. Lack of sunlight, poor air circulation, high humidity - the fungus grows day by day!

Fighting with fungus can and should be. It should be understood that the method we propose today is effective only if the lesion is in the initial stage. Single mold spots can be localized and removed. If mold creeps all over the wall, you will have to resort to radical measures, such as replacing the plaster.

Any contact with mold is harmful to health. Before proceeding to treatmentPut on safety glasses, a respirator, gloves and tie your head with a handkerchief.

Hydrogen peroxide is an antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial agent. Peroxide is considered an excellent alternative to traditional bleachers. It is safe to use because it does not contain toxic substances and is safe not only for the environment, but also for humans.

To remove mold, take a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Pour it into the sprayer (you can take a sprayer for spraying flowers) and apply the product to the area covered with mold. Remove mold from the surface with a sponge. The sponge should be thrown out after that.

Wash the treated area with water and spray it again. Let the peroxide dry. After this procedure, all mold spores will be destroyed and its recurrence will be prevented.

Carefully monitor the cleanliness in your home. After all, it is much easier to prevent the problem than to deal with its consequences later!
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