11 Incredible Ways to Use Baking Soda! My best doctor in a difficult time.
A person becomes an adult when, instead of sweets, chips and soda, he buys soda, salt and bread in a store. Our editorial board strongly recommends its subscribers to purchase baking Not only to prepare different dishes, but also to preserve health.
How to use soda
We hope these tips will be useful to you! Learn from our article how to clean the kitchen with soda!

How to use soda
- Oral hygiene
Soda can be used as an excellent alternative to toothpaste. This substance is an amazing bleacher. However, you should not completely replace it with oral hygiene products. With daily use, soda crystals tend to destroy tooth enamel. Soda can and should be used to clean dentures, fixers and plates. To do this, you need to make a solution of 1 glass of water and 2 tablespoons of soda. - Homemade deodorant
If there is no favorite deodorant at hand, you can use soda paste and apply it to problem areas. To do this, you need to mix one teaspoon of powder and several drops of water. - The dandruff remedy
To get rid of dandruff, it is enough to wash the hair in the usual way, and then rub a handful of soda into the scalp. At the end of the procedure, you need to wash the soda with water. Also, to combat dandruff, you can add a small amount of soda to the shampoo for washing hair. - Heartburn remedy
Soda is an excellent neutralizer of acid in the stomach. To get rid of heartburn, it is enough to drink a mixture of 200 grams of warm water and half a teaspoon of soda. - Remedy for insect bites and burns
To relieve the pain from insect bites and sunburn, soda paste will help. To do this, mix a small amount of soda and water, then apply the mixture to problem areas. - Removes leg fatigue
After a busy day to relieve fatigue will help soda. For three liters of warm liquid, use 3 tablespoons of soda. - Fungal remedy
For the treatment of fungal lesions, it is enough to prepare a paste of 1 tablespoon of soda and a small amount of water. Home remedy should be applied to problem areas, then rinsed with water and sprinkled with starch or baby powder. - Urticaria remedy
With hives with a strong rash, it is recommended to take warm baths twice a day, dissolving 400 grams of soda in each.
740165 - Helps with sweating.
Often with the onset of hot summer, young children have sweating (accumulation of pink pimples in combination with reddened skin). Get rid of an unpleasant disease will help soda solution from one teaspoon and a glass of water. They need to lubricate problem areas with a cotton swab. - Remedy for cold
With a cold, you can safely use soda solution as drops. To do this, mix 1/8 teaspoon of soda and a tablespoon of water. You need to bury a home remedy in the nose 3 times a day. - Helps with migraines.
If you are often disturbed by migraines, you need to conduct a small course of treatment with soda solution. It is easy to prepare it: you need to combine 200 milliliters of water and half a teaspoon of soda. On the first day you need to drink one glass of solution. In the second - two glasses, then bring the reception to 7 glasses a day. Then act in reverse order, daily reducing the norm by 1 glass, and finish the treatment.
We hope these tips will be useful to you! Learn from our article how to clean the kitchen with soda!
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