Doctors told what diseases are transmitted through kissing!
A kiss is one of the most beautiful ways to express your feelings. But during this process, few people think about the danger that lies ahead.
After all, with pleasure we receive not only additional immunization of the body, but also millions of foreign bacteria and viruses, many of which are not harmless. There are 9 most common Diseases that can be transmitted through kissing.
Kissing disease
To be safe, our editors advise favorite readers to refrain from kissing casual partners. Bless you and your loved ones!
After all, with pleasure we receive not only additional immunization of the body, but also millions of foreign bacteria and viruses, many of which are not harmless. There are 9 most common Diseases that can be transmitted through kissing.

Kissing disease
- Infectious mononucleosis, or “kissing disease”
The main causative agent of this disease is the Epstein-Barr virus, which is part of the numerous family of herpes viruses. Getting into our body, it primarily infects the oropharynx, lymph nodes, spleen and liver. The main victim of the insidious disease are teenagers who love to kiss anyone, less often adults. Among the main manifestations of the disease can be distinguished: malaise, a slight increase in temperature, sore throat, intoxication and other symptoms. - Cytomegalovirus infection
This disease also provokes a species from the herpevirus family - cytomegalovirus. According to statistics, most of us are carriers of cytomegalovirus, but it becomes dangerous only for certain individuals. Often these are HIV-infected people, people who have undergone operations for transplantation of internal organs. The main symptoms of the disease: rashes on the body, sore throat, as well as an increase in lymph nodes, general weakness and malaise. - Hepatitis A
Young children suffer more from this disease, as many of them like to exchange toys, cutlery and personal hygiene items. I don’t know, kids love to kiss too. The main symptoms of the disease appear within 2-6 weeks. These are usually general weakness, loss of appetite, muscle pain, darkening of urine, discoloration of feces and yellowing of the sclera of the eyes. - Stomach ulcer and gastritis
For the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the surface of the stomach and its juices contain millions of bacteria and viruses. If the number of these bacteria exceeds the norm, there is an imbalance in the body, which provokes the development of various diseases. In particular, atrophic gastritis occurs, the cause of which is Helicobacter pylori. This bacterium can be easily transmitted through human saliva. - HPV
The human papilloma virus is transmitted more often through sexual intercourse. But this process is also possible with the help of kissing, if the papillomas are on the mucous membrane of the patient's mouth. The danger of this disease is that HPV can hide and for a long time do not show any symptoms, while doing its “black thing”. As a result, a person can too late to detect the presence of both benign and malignant neoplasms. - Bacterial meningitis
This disease can also be acquired through kissing. A variety of bacteria (in particular streptococci, meningococci, pneumococci, hemophilus bacillus), trapped through the oral cavity in our body, provoke inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. Patients with bacterial meningitis can observe the following symptoms: chills, inflammation of the mucous membranes, nasal congestion, headache and vomiting. - Flu and cold
Having discovered the first symptoms of these trivial diseases, many adults neglect the simplest rules of hygiene. After all, colds and flu are easiest to get infected through a kiss.
To be safe, our editors advise favorite readers to refrain from kissing casual partners. Bless you and your loved ones!