Bondarchuk, Saltykova, Apple, Verbitskaya and other beauties over 45 boasted of excellent forms in swimsuits
Age is not a reason to look bad. Stars over 45 prove this by their own example. We are talking about excellent representatives of modern Russian show business.
They proved that in their years they can look no worse than actresses, singers and models of the same age from abroad, without resorting to the services of plastic surgeons.
Actresses in swimsuits Irina Saltykova (52 years old) The singer kept herself in shape all her life, did not overeat, did not forget about physical activity. Genetics is also important here, in the family of Irina everyone was slim.
“Personally, I do not know how to starve, to refuse delicious dishes. If I start to forbid myself something, then I break down and begin to revenge everything. So I eat whatever I want. But I have a certain balance. For example, I really like dumplings, and if I decided to eat them, then dinner will be easy, nothing fat and sweet. In short, if something was added somewhere, in another place it is necessary to reduce, and then the system will remain in balance, Irina said in an interview.
Larisa Verbitskaya (58 years old) For her age, she looks young enough. She kept her figure, giving up sausage, bread, sugar, salt and other foods that she considered unhealthy. She also put her whole family on proper nutrition, adding more vegetables and fruits to the family diet.
Verbitskaya does not forget about sports: EMS training, classes in the gym, swimming. Photo TV presenters in swimsuits Not everyone is as beautiful as Larisa Verbitskaya. She stands out among the others.
Tatiana Vasilyeva (71 years old) This photo posted in his Instagram friend of the actress Stas Sadalsky, admiring her forms. In order to look like this, Tatiana tries to walk at least ten thousand steps daily, periodically engages on the treadmill in the gym.
Svetlana Bondarchuk (49 years old) First of all, she is known as the wife of the famous director Fyodor Bondarchuk. But the marriage with a talented filmmaker is not her only achievement: Svetlana works as a model, TV presenter, editor-in-chief of Hello! magazine, owns a PR agency.
Svetlana chose systematic physical exertion to preserve the figure and regular trips to the beautician to maintain the skin of the face in good condition.
Jeanne Epple (53 years old) Usually, the actress, answering the question about the secret of beauty, jokes: “And also, as Catherine Deneuve says, you need to drink a lot of clean water without gas and have many dreams without dreams.”
In order to regulate metabolism and be in good shape, Jeanne monitors her nutrition, often visits a massage therapist and goes to the bath.
Lyubov Uspenskaya (64 years old) Queen of Russian chanson and urban romances even in the seventh ten is not shy to put in the Network swimsuit and on a picnic. She likes to do yoga and run in the morning, as a result of a good body.
The secret of beauty of all these ladies is the love of their body and life. Which one is your favorite?
They proved that in their years they can look no worse than actresses, singers and models of the same age from abroad, without resorting to the services of plastic surgeons.

Actresses in swimsuits Irina Saltykova (52 years old) The singer kept herself in shape all her life, did not overeat, did not forget about physical activity. Genetics is also important here, in the family of Irina everyone was slim.

“Personally, I do not know how to starve, to refuse delicious dishes. If I start to forbid myself something, then I break down and begin to revenge everything. So I eat whatever I want. But I have a certain balance. For example, I really like dumplings, and if I decided to eat them, then dinner will be easy, nothing fat and sweet. In short, if something was added somewhere, in another place it is necessary to reduce, and then the system will remain in balance, Irina said in an interview.

Larisa Verbitskaya (58 years old) For her age, she looks young enough. She kept her figure, giving up sausage, bread, sugar, salt and other foods that she considered unhealthy. She also put her whole family on proper nutrition, adding more vegetables and fruits to the family diet.

Verbitskaya does not forget about sports: EMS training, classes in the gym, swimming. Photo TV presenters in swimsuits Not everyone is as beautiful as Larisa Verbitskaya. She stands out among the others.

Tatiana Vasilyeva (71 years old) This photo posted in his Instagram friend of the actress Stas Sadalsky, admiring her forms. In order to look like this, Tatiana tries to walk at least ten thousand steps daily, periodically engages on the treadmill in the gym.

Svetlana Bondarchuk (49 years old) First of all, she is known as the wife of the famous director Fyodor Bondarchuk. But the marriage with a talented filmmaker is not her only achievement: Svetlana works as a model, TV presenter, editor-in-chief of Hello! magazine, owns a PR agency.

Svetlana chose systematic physical exertion to preserve the figure and regular trips to the beautician to maintain the skin of the face in good condition.

Jeanne Epple (53 years old) Usually, the actress, answering the question about the secret of beauty, jokes: “And also, as Catherine Deneuve says, you need to drink a lot of clean water without gas and have many dreams without dreams.”

In order to regulate metabolism and be in good shape, Jeanne monitors her nutrition, often visits a massage therapist and goes to the bath.

Lyubov Uspenskaya (64 years old) Queen of Russian chanson and urban romances even in the seventh ten is not shy to put in the Network swimsuit and on a picnic. She likes to do yoga and run in the morning, as a result of a good body.

The secret of beauty of all these ladies is the love of their body and life. Which one is your favorite?
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