9 Ways to Easy and Enjoy Hiding Your Side and Stomach Under Clothes Advice from stylists!
To choose fashionable things for the new season is a responsible and important thing for each representative of the fair sex. And certainly not simple, especially if you have problem areas in the form of the sides and protruding tummy.
Diets, exercise, various teas for weight loss - no matter how effective these funds are, they do not have an instant result. Besides, who said that bulging belly is ugly? On the contrary, many men say that tummy It is more natural and seductive than a pumped press.
But if you still want to hide such places, you need to do it competently, otherwise there is a risk of visually increasing them. That's why the editorial board "Site" I want you to know 9 ways to do this. How to mask the sides and stomach with the help of clothes. I am especially pleased with the idea that Kim Kardashian often uses!
How to look slimmer
The ideal figure boasts not every representative of the fair sex. But regardless of the size of the waist, each of us dreams of looking great.
Black is slimming, but the horizontal stripes are full. You think these axioms can't be challenged? After reading these rules, you will be fully armed and easily able to wear your favorite things with a print without damaging the figure.
Many of these ideas are used by stars of foreign and domestic cinema and pop, for which they were developed by personal stylists. All of the above tips are simple and accessible. So there's nothing stopping you from borrowing a couple. funky.
Tell your friends about these wonderful decisions, I’m sure they will thank you for it!
Diets, exercise, various teas for weight loss - no matter how effective these funds are, they do not have an instant result. Besides, who said that bulging belly is ugly? On the contrary, many men say that tummy It is more natural and seductive than a pumped press.
But if you still want to hide such places, you need to do it competently, otherwise there is a risk of visually increasing them. That's why the editorial board "Site" I want you to know 9 ways to do this. How to mask the sides and stomach with the help of clothes. I am especially pleased with the idea that Kim Kardashian often uses!
How to look slimmer
- If you have a bulging belly, do not try to squeeze it into tight T-shirts and tops. A free cut will suit you much more, and this does not mean that you should walk in baggy clothes. Try to choose T-shirts, tops and dresses that have a deep neckline on the chest, and then freely fall down to the middle of the thigh (be careful with styles where the accent is above the stomach or on it). Beautifully hide this area (and today they are in fashion!) free dresses-shirts.
- Vertical ornaments, patterns and stripes will help you look slimmer and taller. However, it is worth considering the width of the stripes and their accuracy. Wide bands can visually give the figure extra volume, so give preference to things with narrow and frequent stripes. Pay attention to the stripes in classic black and white and sea blue and white tones.
- Top things such as blouses, T-shirts, T-shirts should not be worn tucked into belted clothes. For in this case, you risk drawing a clear border in the abdomen, which will attract attention. Wear these things out, and let them not be very tight. Their length should be slightly lower than the place where the stomach ends. It will look good blouses with a slight intrusion, hiding the tummy. Dresses with a low waistline are also good.
- To distract attention from the tummy, make clear accents in your image, for example, on the bust (only without fanaticism). It will look good stylish options with a monotonous black dress with a shallow neckline, as well as classic trousers and top, pencil skirt and blouse.
- A high fit will make the line from the waist to the hips smooth - the sides will not treacherously bulge. So classic black or just dark pants made of dense material can become the basis of your wardrobe!
- Easy. hide your stomach with dresses. Boldly use scented dresses, Empire-style dresses, tunic dresses that do not have a clear waistline. Also perfect in such cases dresses-shirts and dresses A-silhouette. As you can see, the choice of clothes is huge!
- Here is another secret that Make problem areas invisible. Use your skirts! In particular, an excellent solution will be a pencil skirt below the knee made of dense fabric of a muffled dark shade. Complement it with a spectacular top and, of course, do not forget about studs. So your image will be stylish and attractive! As an alternative to a pencil skirt, you can use flared models of skirts just below the knee or maxi (in the floor). When choosing such an element of the wardrobe, you can move away from the restrained palette and stop at bright and juicy shades. Naturally, we are talking about skirts with a high landing.
- Weather permitting, complete your image with a cardigan. This versatile thing will go well with pants and jeans, as well as skirts and dresses. Cardigan will create the vertical that will stretch your figure.
- Use tight lingerie! It should be in the wardrobe of every woman, whether she has a slim figure or not. This kind of good quality clothes will definitely help you. effectively camouflage and get rid of your complexes. About their love for this trick openly expressed Oprah Winfrey, Kim Kardashian, Emily Blunt, Tyra Banks, Leah Michelle, Anne Hathaway, Lena Dunham, Adele and other celebrities. Well, for solemn occasions, compression linen is a real wand.
The ideal figure boasts not every representative of the fair sex. But regardless of the size of the waist, each of us dreams of looking great.
Black is slimming, but the horizontal stripes are full. You think these axioms can't be challenged? After reading these rules, you will be fully armed and easily able to wear your favorite things with a print without damaging the figure.
Many of these ideas are used by stars of foreign and domestic cinema and pop, for which they were developed by personal stylists. All of the above tips are simple and accessible. So there's nothing stopping you from borrowing a couple. funky.
Tell your friends about these wonderful decisions, I’m sure they will thank you for it!
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