"Dementia does not come suddenly!" - Academician V.M. Bekhterev
In February 1916, at the height of the First World War in St. Petersburg, a scientific conference heard the words: “The immortality of the human person is a scientific problem!”
These words were spoken by academician Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev, world-famous neurologist, psychiatrist, physiologist, founder of the Psychoneurological Institute in St. Petersburg.
He added, “There is no death, gentlemen.” No death! It can be proved. And prove it logically. The human person is immortal!
What happens to the human person after the death of the physical body from the point of view of science? What happens to our knowledge, skills, sensations, emotions, thoughts, accumulated information about the world around us, that is, with our life experience?
Does our life stop with the beating of the heart? If we turn with death only into lifeless matter to be decomposed, what was life worth? Many difficult and vital issues have been raised. But it turns out that they have scientifically sound answers!
The secret of immortality is related to the structure and function of the human brain. He devoted his whole life to studying it.
Academician Bekhterev said that the happiness of dying without losing reason on the roads of life will be given only 20% of people. The rest, alas, turning into angry sarcastic or naive old children, will become a burden for their loved ones.
80% is significantly more than the number of those who are destined to develop cancer, Parkinson’s disease or recover from bone fragility in old age. In order to enter the happy 20% in the future, it is important to start now.
To reduce the risk of lung cancer, you must first quit smoking. To avoid a heart attack, you need to lead an active lifestyle and eat right. What do you have to do to get around you? dementia?
No exact answer, alas. Dementia never comes suddenly. It progresses over the years, gaining more and more power over man. What is now just a prerequisite, in the future may become fertile ground for the growth of dementia.
Most of all, it threatens those who have lived their lives without changing their attitudes. Such traits as excessive principledness, perseverance and conservatism are more likely to lead to dementia in old age than flexibility, the ability to quickly change decisions, emotionality.
Early signs of senile dementia It can be taken as a consequence of chronic fatigue, frequent troubles and stress, so it is difficult to diagnose dementia in the initial stages.
The first signs are able to declare themselves in 40 years, and at 60 years they appear more clearly. Studies of areas of the brain suggest that in mid-life, the deterioration of intellectual abilities and memory is the beginning of the disease.
Signs that indicate that it is time to upgrade the brain
One of the causes of senile dementia is a hereditary predisposition, but there are conditions that can slow down its development.
Note that the brightest people who preserve their minds to old age, as a rule, are people of science and art. They have to strain their memory and do daily mental work. This “production necessity” is the guarantee of a happy reasonable longevity.
Upgrade your brain!
Editorial "Site" He will tell about the research of American doctors, who destroy many myths about the brain of an elderly person. Scientists say that the brain of an elderly person is much more plastic than is commonly believed.
You can prevent brain dementia and Alzheimer’s disease if you know... simple brain training exercises now!

These words were spoken by academician Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev, world-famous neurologist, psychiatrist, physiologist, founder of the Psychoneurological Institute in St. Petersburg.
He added, “There is no death, gentlemen.” No death! It can be proved. And prove it logically. The human person is immortal!
What happens to the human person after the death of the physical body from the point of view of science? What happens to our knowledge, skills, sensations, emotions, thoughts, accumulated information about the world around us, that is, with our life experience?

Does our life stop with the beating of the heart? If we turn with death only into lifeless matter to be decomposed, what was life worth? Many difficult and vital issues have been raised. But it turns out that they have scientifically sound answers!
The secret of immortality is related to the structure and function of the human brain. He devoted his whole life to studying it.
Academician Bekhterev said that the happiness of dying without losing reason on the roads of life will be given only 20% of people. The rest, alas, turning into angry sarcastic or naive old children, will become a burden for their loved ones.

80% is significantly more than the number of those who are destined to develop cancer, Parkinson’s disease or recover from bone fragility in old age. In order to enter the happy 20% in the future, it is important to start now.

To reduce the risk of lung cancer, you must first quit smoking. To avoid a heart attack, you need to lead an active lifestyle and eat right. What do you have to do to get around you? dementia?
No exact answer, alas. Dementia never comes suddenly. It progresses over the years, gaining more and more power over man. What is now just a prerequisite, in the future may become fertile ground for the growth of dementia.
Most of all, it threatens those who have lived their lives without changing their attitudes. Such traits as excessive principledness, perseverance and conservatism are more likely to lead to dementia in old age than flexibility, the ability to quickly change decisions, emotionality.

Early signs of senile dementia It can be taken as a consequence of chronic fatigue, frequent troubles and stress, so it is difficult to diagnose dementia in the initial stages.
The first signs are able to declare themselves in 40 years, and at 60 years they appear more clearly. Studies of areas of the brain suggest that in mid-life, the deterioration of intellectual abilities and memory is the beginning of the disease.
Signs that indicate that it is time to upgrade the brain
- You often can't remember the right word and you say something like "this thing that cooks food on," because you can't remember the word "stove." Or you've always been a great writer, but you suddenly find yourself unable to express your thoughts on paper. Impaired ability to communicate is an alarming sign of impending dementia.
DepositPhotos - You become painfully critical when you too often criticize others.
- You don't want to learn new things. You'd rather agree to repair an old cell phone than understand the instructions for a new model.
- Apathy, loss of interest, avoidance of the usual circle of people and favorite activities - all this can also be a sign of dementia. For example, you no longer want to follow the success of your favorite team, spend time with your beloved grandchildren, knit or carve wood, meet and spend time with good friends.
- You often say, “This is before,” meaning you’re nostalgic for the old days.
- You are ready to talk with excitement about something, despite the boredom in the eyes of the interlocutor. It doesn't matter if he falls asleep, the main thing is that what you're talking about is interesting to you.
- You find it hard to concentrate when you start reading serious or scientific literature. You do not understand and remember what you read. You can read half the book today and forget the beginning tomorrow.
DepositPhotos - You started talking about things you never knew. For example, politics, economics, poetry or figure skating.
- Of the two films – the work of the cult director and the popular detective – you choose the second. Why bother again? You don't understand what anyone finds interesting about these cult directors.
- You believe that others should adapt to you, not the other way around.
One of the causes of senile dementia is a hereditary predisposition, but there are conditions that can slow down its development.
Note that the brightest people who preserve their minds to old age, as a rule, are people of science and art. They have to strain their memory and do daily mental work. This “production necessity” is the guarantee of a happy reasonable longevity.
Upgrade your brain!
- Master the computer! Studies show that learning to work on a computer is a powerful stimulus for the brain and a good means of preventing senile dementia. The study involved about 2,000 pensioners over the age of 70. Simply reading journals daily reduced the risk of brain neurodegeneration by 30%.
Solving crossword puzzles and other puzzles reduced the risk of memory problems by 14%. However, the most powerful effect (42%) came from working on a computer.
DepositPhotos - Start learning something every 2-3 years. You do not have to go to college and get a third or even a fourth education. You can take a short-term refresher course or master a completely new profession. You can start eating foods you haven’t eaten before and learn new tastes.
- Surround yourself with young people. You can always borrow a lot of useful things from them that will help you stay modern. Play with children, they can teach you a lot that you do not even know.
- From time to time, solve intellectual problems and pass all kinds of subject tests.
- Learn foreign languages even if you don’t speak them. Having to memorize new words regularly will help to train your memory.
- Growing not only up, but also deep! Take out old textbooks and periodically recall the school and university curriculum.
- Play sports! Regular physical activity before gray hair and after really saves from dementia.
- Choose a smart life partner. Experts in the field of senile dementia have found that the presence of an intellectually developed partner is a kind of buffer on the way to the development of an incurable disease. There is no better protection against dementia than intelligence.
Editorial "Site" He will tell about the research of American doctors, who destroy many myths about the brain of an elderly person. Scientists say that the brain of an elderly person is much more plastic than is commonly believed.
You can prevent brain dementia and Alzheimer’s disease if you know... simple brain training exercises now!
To identify one of these common diseases, just stick out your tongue.
Strong and youthful citizens 20 years as stopped frying, cooking and baking potatoes