What not to talk to children
It happens that in a fit of anger or without thinking we tell children things that they should not have known. If a loving father and mother do not get into their pockets for words, some things that they shamelessly give to their children can become not only offensive, but also extremely harmful to a small person. Even the most seemingly insignificant actions or thoughtless phrases can harm the psyche of the child, and some - become fatal for the baby.
Editorial "Site" Here are 8 things you should never tell your children. No rugs!
Psychology of child rearing
Very often, parents, communicating with children, do not think about the semantic load of the words spoken and about their harmful effect on the tender psyche of a small person. But mother and father, the child believes unconditionally, taking everything to heart. In order not to questionHow to Raise a Happy ChildNever tell your loved one the things on the list above. And if you have already missed, and more than once, do not make such a mistake again.
If you take our advice, You can't tell a childDon’t forget to share them with other parents on social media.

Editorial "Site" Here are 8 things you should never tell your children. No rugs!
Psychology of child rearing
- Parental quarrels
Conflicts occur even in the most friendly families and between the most loving fathers and mothers, but it is better that they occur without shouting and swearing, especially in front of a frightened child. If a child witnesses regular parental quarrels, he will not learn anything good, and respect in the family - much less. In order for a child to build healthy relationships and create a happy family, his parents should serve as an example of family well-being and respect for each other.
DepositPhotos - Other children's secrets
If the mother of the neighbor girl told about this very girl is not a childish secret, you should not share it with your chatty child. If children are friends and communicate with each other, they will already tell each other everything that is possible and impossible. And if you do, you risk putting yourself and the neighbor's girl in an awkward position when all the children in the yard will make fun of her.
DepositPhotos - Complaints behind your back
Never, under any circumstances, complain about your child to grandparents, friends or random passers-by. Children are not as stupid as they seem. A child who grows up with the idea that no one loves him, his parents do not support him and tell everyone around him how untalented and inept he is, this is how he will grow up. You don’t want to do that to your child! Do not throw words to the right and left, otherwise, it will take a lot of time to restore the child’s faith in himself.
DepositPhotos - Distrust of school
As much as you like, do not criticize your child's school, stupid assignments and inept teachers. The boy will easily change your position, and this can have an extremely negative impact on his school success and relationships with teachers.
DepositPhotos - Parental dislike of healthy food
If you feed your child with steamed cabbage while eating a sausage sandwich safely, he will never learn to eat properly. To teach a child something, you need to start with yourself, because you are the main role model. In such a situation, the child simply does not understand why you suddenly can and he cannot. And in general, always try what you give your child under the guise of healthy "superhero" food - suddenly it really tastes terrible! If so, look for healthy alternatives that your child will appreciate.
DepositPhotos - Financial difficulties
So that financial problems do not become a symbol of anxiety and anxiety for a child, never complain about the lack of money in the presence of a child. Yes, perhaps the utilities have risen in price, wages have been delayed or there are not enough funds to repay the loan, but this should not affect the child in any way. Your task is to create favorable conditions and a stable sense of normal life, like everyone else, but without excesses and pampering, of course.
DepositPhotos - Criticizing your own body
If Dad says he's a fat, old and incompetent idiot, how can you think of him as the head and breadwinner of the family? And the mother, who slightly recovered and curses her figure with a child, instills complexes and self-doubt in the baby. Would a child believe that such a mother would love him if he became fat? If you take care of yourself, love yourself and your body, the child will certainly borrow this model of behavior and turn into a healthy, open, kind person.
DepositPhotos - Scary stories
In a relationship with a child, it is necessary to be honest, but even in this rule there are exceptions. Without a doubt, you need to teach the child the rules of safety (not to take sweets from strangers, do not talk to strangers on the street, always be in touch and be able to stand up for yourself), but it is necessary to do it in the language of your own child. Too frightening stories will not teach the child to be careful, but simply intimidate and traumatize him.
Very often, parents, communicating with children, do not think about the semantic load of the words spoken and about their harmful effect on the tender psyche of a small person. But mother and father, the child believes unconditionally, taking everything to heart. In order not to questionHow to Raise a Happy ChildNever tell your loved one the things on the list above. And if you have already missed, and more than once, do not make such a mistake again.
If you take our advice, You can't tell a childDon’t forget to share them with other parents on social media.