What causes premature aging
As soon as the face loses tone, women begin to use a whole arsenal of tricks and creams. But they don't always help. You've probably heard of it. bad habitswhich are harmful to health. But there are also those who can age you prematurely. And this is not a bad dream, lack of love and alcohol.
Editorial "Site" It will tell you what 6 habits negatively affect your appearance. Tell them a categorical “no” if you dream of smooth and velvety skin without pigmentation, rashes and wrinkles.
Harmful human habits
We depend on our habits, but they can be changed. It's about desire. Observe yourself for a day and you will understand what can cause various problems on your face. Do not neglect skin care products, an active lifestyle and fresh air to keep you young longer.
But not all good habits have a positive effect on our body.
Tell us in the comments if you have any bad habits on this list. Share a useful article with your friends on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Editorial "Site" It will tell you what 6 habits negatively affect your appearance. Tell them a categorical “no” if you dream of smooth and velvety skin without pigmentation, rashes and wrinkles.
Harmful human habits
- Lack of facial control
Habits squinting eyes, biting lips, touching your face with your hands, wrinkling your forehead have a bad effect on your appearance. You can do these movements involuntarily, or you can specifically as a highlight. In any case, excessive facial expressions lead to microtraumas on the skin, which subsequently turn into creases, wrinkles and other skin defects. Facial control is something you need to learn after 30.
DepositPhotos - Abuse of sunbathing
Chocolate tan is beautiful, but, alas, harmful. Ultraviolet rays have a negative effect on a person, destroying the epidermis and causing photoaging. Excessive sun exposure, especially from 12 to 15 hours, can cause skin cancer. By the age of 35, amateurs all day basking in the sun, especially without protective equipment, can suffer from pigmentation and sufficiently deep wrinkles. Their skin will also be dehydrated and may become sensitive. The same goes for solarium fans.
DepositPhotos - Smoking
Everyone knows about the dangers of smoking, but millions of women continue to smoke. In cosmetology, there is even the concept of “smoker’s skin” – it is porous, gray and flabby. This is all accompanied by dark circles and goose feet around the eyes. In the body of a smoker, the synthesis of an enzyme that destroys collagen is launched. So either reduce smoking to a minimum, or give up cigarettes at all, which will perfectly affect the work of the body as a whole.
DepositPhotos - Little water.
Many people neglect the drinking regime. Women cannot imagine their lives without coffee, tea, juice, lemonade. Clean drinking water is forgotten. In adulthood, dry, dull, flabby skin indicates a disturbed water balance. Moreover, the lack of sufficient moisture provokes a slow elimination of toxins, as a result, inflammatory elements appear. Remember to drink water before you feel thirsty. Try to drink about 2 liters of clean water a day, take a habit of drinking a couple of sips of water on an empty stomach. So it's not easy. preserve beautyBut it also helps digestion.
DepositPhotos - Overeating and dieting
The problem of many modern women - they eat on the go and often not the highest quality and healthy food. Snack in the form of fast food and sweets contribute to premature aging. Overeating and excessive sugar consumption causes inflammation on the face, neck and back. Another evil is diet. Rapid weight loss thins the subcutaneous fat tissue that supports the tissues, leading to dehydration, loss of skin tone and visible signs of aging. Tired appearance and sagging skin are the main signs of diet abuse.
DepositPhotos - Self-medication
Not for nothing in each instruction to the drug indicates that self-medication can harm health. With the development of the Internet, many people began to prefer self-medication consultation with a doctor. I found similar symptoms, read on the forums, and ran to the pharmacy. But improperly selected drugs not only will not relieve you of the disease, they can harm the kidneys and other internal organs and manifest themselves on the skin in the form of various shortcomings. Never take antibiotics or hormones without medical supervision.
And only a cosmetologist and dermatologist can learn how to deal with skin imperfections. If you feel bad, experience a headache, strange formations appeared on the skin, then the body sends signals for help.
We depend on our habits, but they can be changed. It's about desire. Observe yourself for a day and you will understand what can cause various problems on your face. Do not neglect skin care products, an active lifestyle and fresh air to keep you young longer.
But not all good habits have a positive effect on our body.
Tell us in the comments if you have any bad habits on this list. Share a useful article with your friends on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.