How to create a spring wardrobe for a mature woman

Look stylish and fashionable - one of the main desires of the fair sex at any age. Especially important to stay. feminineWhen he was over 50.

Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you how to create a stylish springtime wardrobe. A great selection of fashionable images, I will definitely show my mother!

Clothing for women after 50 years
  1. Image women after 50 years It should be elegant, stylish and feminine. Things provocative, defiant character, man-like clothes forgive and look inappropriate. On the contrary, impressive and high-quality models will give a woman a gloss.

  2. Choose soft, flowing fabrics that do not constrain movement. Remember to be comfortable in your outfits. Clothing should not be baggy, it should flow gently over your beautiful body.

  3. The main elements dress-room The costumes become: one or two for the warm season and the same for the cold. Options for spring and summer can be made in a lighter range, especially a good choice is the classic gray, sand, milk or beige. Choose a neutral range so that the basic wardrobe goes well with brighter and more complex shades of additional things. This applies not only to costumes, but also to all basic components.

  4. Do not forget about dresses, it is in them that a woman broadcasts a blooming spring mood into the world!

  5. Ideally, all things of the basic wardrobe of a mature woman should be sewn from high-quality fabrics and lie flawlessly on the figure. Perhaps it's time to find a good tailor and sew to order, because it is known that created with all the features of the figure thing is strikingly different from factory products.

  6. A couple more interesting ones. springtime!

  7. The correct basis of the wardrobe of a woman over 50 years old is the pledge of chic images. Having paid due attention to its compilation, you can easily combine basic things with more interesting ones, and all sets will always be elegant and stylish.

  8. Do not lock yourself in one color: black, of course, win-win, but still do not dwell on it! Choose colors and don’t be afraid to combine them. With the right combination, you can grow younger not only with your soul, but also with your body!


Every woman dreams of staying forever young, and those ladies who deny this fact are clearly cunning. Many in the blind pursuit of youth fall into extremes: short skirts, catchy makeup, high heels - in short, who is in what he is proud, just to discount a couple of years.

And there are shades that have been stolen for several years. I suggest you learn about the most fashionable colors for women who want to look younger and fresh!

This collection of clothes is just an example! You can take them into service completely or change some components to your taste. Do not be afraid to dream and experiment, because this can be done not only in youth.

Fill your wardrobe with only things that suit you and 100% like you. Remember that age is only in your head. Enjoy life, flourish, love and be beautiful every day!

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