Ideas for the unusual design of baking
In order to make a beautiful pastry, you do not need to spend a lot of money. You can make it the most ordinary. manually.
Unusual baking today editorial "Site" picked up for you a list of the most unusual, but very simple ideas for designing your favorite apple pies, cookies and other products from dough.
Impossible means for baking
If you like such unusual ways of baking, we also recommend cooking something unusual not only in appearance, but also in taste!
And here are some original ideas of real culinary masterpieces. Openwork cookies, bunnies from the dough, and much more...
Share your unusual ideas on how to make baking with improvised means!
Unusual baking today editorial "Site" picked up for you a list of the most unusual, but very simple ideas for designing your favorite apple pies, cookies and other products from dough.
Impossible means for baking
- Paper and Scissors They do wonders. You do not need to buy expensive materials to make your pastries look original and reflect your own taste. Cut a beautiful pattern out of paper, cover it with a cake or cupcake and powder. powdered. You can also use cinnamon or anything else to your taste. Try making colorful patterns!
- Many hostesses use to form cookies. plastic juicer. Thanks to the ribbed cone-shaped surface, you can create real masterpieces. The juicer can be used as full-form. However, you can just slightly press the already formed raw product to the surface of the device to create a beautiful pattern.
- Another interesting way to create a beautiful cookie straining. You can alternate large and small strainers when creating patterns on cookies. In order not to spoil the product, press the strainer to the surface of the blanks as delicately as possible.
- Use it. comb For making cookies with solid filling. It is done very simply: press a piece of dough against the comb, put the filling on top and start to fold. If you do it carefully enough, you will get not only delicious, but also stunning-looking cookies. The same method can be used in manufacturing. ravioli.
- Use it. plastic bottle capTo make this delicious chocolate cookie. To do this, make a lot of circles from ordinary and chocolate dough, and then fasten the eight blanks together, overlapping each other. Unusual forms of baking It is easy to create using imagination.
- If nothing interesting comes to mind, boldly take the fork And make cookies! To do this, dip the fork into flour, put a piece of dough on top and roll it as shown in the picture.
- If you have kids, your apartment is completely littered with these little yellow ones. boxes from Kinder Surprises. I don’t want to throw them away, but there’s nowhere to put them! Use these boxes to create cookie. Follow the instructions in the picture!
- You needed it urgently. pastryAnd he wasn't on hand? No problem! All you need to create it is an empty plastic bottle and a sharp stationery knife. Cut the bottle without reaching 6 centimeters. Unscrew the lid and make holes in it. You can do a lot. differentialIf you need them.
Fill a strong bag with cream or dough, dip the tip of the package into the bottle trimming and twist the lid. The candy syringe is ready! - How to make the edges of your favorite cake? If you are a lover of closed cakes, then you will definitely like this advice. Take your favorites. big-bead And gently print them around the edges of the cake so that you don't tear that edge. The result will be amazing. Notches can be made empty, and you can put small fresh berries there after baking.
- And this is a slightly less extravagant way to decorate the sides of the pie: pincer. These items can be found in almost every kitchen. Unusual baked goods It can even come from the simplest recipes. Imagination matters!
If you like such unusual ways of baking, we also recommend cooking something unusual not only in appearance, but also in taste!
And here are some original ideas of real culinary masterpieces. Openwork cookies, bunnies from the dough, and much more...
Share your unusual ideas on how to make baking with improvised means!