Why you should not worry about moving to Poland

Some may think that there is nothing interesting about Poland. But this is far from the case, and the tourist here definitely has a place to turn. You just need to know what to see first, where to eat best and how to spend less money than originally planned.

So today's editorial office. "Site" It offers to learn more about this rapidly developing country, which actually has very hospitable people. And although everything here is unusual, but after a little time you feel like you came to visit your beloved grandmother. Maybe it’s because the food is delicious and satisfying?

Beautiful Poland
  1. Attractions
    Poland is a country with a long history, so there is a lot to see. If you are interested in monuments, ancient buildings and medieval buildings, it is worth visiting not only the capital, but also such buildings. Poland's beautifulLike Krakow, Wroclaw, Gdansk, Torun. It is worth seeing the salt mine in Wieliczka, which functioned for 7 centuries and has a total length of more than 200 kilometers. Impressions can be gained on excursions castle Malbork, which today has become a real museum of the life of the Teutonic Knights.

  2. Nature.
    Poles take care of nature. A special affection can be experienced when you see special bridges for animals built over highways. In the cities there are many green areas where you can meet hares, roe deer, and even whole families of wild boars. We must not forget that Poland has access to the Baltic Sea.

  3. Fairs
    Poles love fun. And since most citizens of the country are quite devout, in addition to secular holidays, they also celebrate religious holidays. And at this festive time in the city squares there are fairs where you can buy souvenirs, dishes, toys, clothes. You can taste grilled sausages, drink hot wine or beer.

  4. Shopping.
    As in other countries that have kept their own currency, the prices are quite affordable. Therefore, shopping in Poland will be a pleasant activity, especially if you buy during sales (at the end of summer or before the New Year). It is worth visiting small shops selling shoes and clothes of local manufacturers. If you do not have a special love for world brands, and want simply for reasonable money to get a quality thing, then you can safely spend money.

  5. Food.
    Hearty dishes are the basis of classical Polish cuisine. First of all, you should try bigos (stewed cabbage with special smoked vegetables and mushrooms) and bush (sour soup with sausage, cooked on a special starter). And there are many familiar dishes, like dranics, doves, pancakes. Therefore, you do not have to miss your native cuisine. Let's note the amazing. sandwichWith which Poles often eat breakfast, lunch, and even dinner. "Kanapki" can be bought in a cafe and in a pastry shop. Even children often eat breakfast with sandwiches. It's a real cult.

  6. Drinks.
    Surprisingly, local beer is still not popular abroad. But there are plenty of decent varieties here, and the drink is sold literally on every corner. It often turns out that local restaurants own their own brewery. European beer can also be tried here, and often at a more affordable price than at home. Now it is clear why European youth often come to Poland on weekends to get a good rest.

    With a modest budget, you can also walk. To do this, it is worth finding establishments with the speaking name pijalnia - here alcohol costs 2 or even 3 times cheaper than usual. And the establishments are pretty decent.

    The local wines are also good, but it is impossible to say that the Poles themselves love this drink. But vodka is very popular, and locals consider it their own invention. By the way, in the “pillars” vodka at affordable prices is also available.

There are also features in Poland that are worth paying attention to. So, Sunday is considered a day off, so even an open grocery store on this day is difficult to find. On Saturdays, most businesses only work until lunch. Therefore, stock up on food in advance, so as not to starve until Monday. Cafes and restaurants are usually open every day.

Even if it is not possible to permanently move to this wonderful country, then visit it. The most beautiful cities in Poland definitely worth it. Although in the outback, you can also see and try a lot of interesting things.


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