How to Learn the Art of Silence

Many believe Jewish He is one of the wisest, because his knowledge comes from God. In addition, so much has been said about the wisdom of the “children of Moses” that there is no doubt about the insight and wit of the most prominent representatives of the Jewish people.

And since familiarity with another culture only helps to better understand your own, today we want to get acquainted with the sayings of Jewish sages. We will talk about the art of silence. These wise men exalted silence, considering it the property of a wise and educated person.

Long silence
  1. “The art of man in this world is to learn to be silent.”
  2. “Even though I have spent my whole life among the wise, I have found nothing better than silence.”

  3. “And a fool, if he is silent, will appear wise.”
  4. “In speaking out, I let words rule over me. But when I am silent, I begin to control the words, I can say them or hide them.
  5. “Don’t answer a fool to his stupidity.”

  6. “Silence befits even wise men. And even more so for fools.
  7. A wise man does not begin to reason next to someone who is smarter than he is, does not hurry to argue, does not hurry to invade the speech of the interlocutor. For a fool, the opposite is true.

  8. “Silence corresponds to wisdom, but silence is not wisdom.”
  9. “It’s harder to keep quiet than to talk well.”
  10. God gave man two ears and one mouth to listen more and talk less.

These sayings of the Jewish sages make us think and rethink our attitude towards what we say. It is better to be silent than to say something stupid. And some moments. silence It can speak more eloquently than the most elaborate words.

Surely everyone knows such an interlocutor, who only give free rein - and he will tell you everything in the world: from his own daily routine to the discussion of distant relatives of the hated neighbor. It is clear that they try to avoid such a person, they speak badly about him, he hardly enjoys respect.

But although we have known the phrase “silence is gold” since childhood, this does not mean that we should be silent and turn into an avid silencer. They are both silent and talkative, two extremes.

The art of silence It should not interfere with building relationships, but should help. The ability to shut up in time and listen carefully to a person will help to feel the interlocutor better, will allow you to tune in to the same emotional wave to establish a trusting relationship. And in this case, it will immediately become clear what to say and what is better to keep silent.


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