What modern rules of education should be adjusted

In our high-tech age, people try to raise their children as correctly as possible. Some work as parents, so responsible they are in their duties.

Problems of Modern Education Many Problems of Modern Child Education They arise precisely because of the excessive interest of parents in various pedagogical literature.

There are many approaches to raising a child. Why are these approaches so different? The thing is that these methods were created by the luminaries of pedagogy at different times.

Makarenko, who defined twentieth-century pedagogical thinking, lived at a time when regime and control were particularly relevant. That is why its principles of education are based on collectivism and self-government.

Actual problems of modern education Parents do not really understand the basics of child development, but try to apply complex techniques.

What kind of education systems work very badly? Today we will talk about three such principles.

Harmful rules of education
  1. Free education
    The authority of parents should be of the highest importance to the child. The formation of authority is influenced by the presence of prohibitions that cannot be violated.

    These prohibitions are necessary for the child. Prohibitions play the role of the support on which the child is guided. They provide a sense of security and certainty.

    Permissiveness only seems good and attractive. However, the child is not yet fully formed, which is why he needs prohibitions to develop correctly and without problems.

  2. Friendship with children
    There is a widespread tendency to transform parenthood In friendship. This has its advantages, but they appear only if the children are already old enough.

    For a young child, parental authority in the family is most important. Parents don’t just have to take care of their children, feed them and protect them. It is also their responsibility to steer children in the right direction that is best for their future.

    This is possible only if the child clearly defines his parents as authoritative leaders, mentors and educators.

    You can cross smoothly. from authority to friendship Since adolescence. It is during this period that the child most needs a friend, not a mentor. His life path is almost determined, and he is ready to build his own future. But an understanding friend who can be trusted with his secrets, he really may be missed.

  3. Lack of free time
    Many parents for some reason believe that every minute of your child’s free time should be occupied with something useful.

    They do not take into account that a child, as well as an adult, needs time to restore creative and mental resources.

    I believe that many parents find this situation very convenient for their personal time. If the child is constantly on some additional lessons, circles or engaged with a tutor, then he is completely loose-footed It doesn't interfere.

    It's pure selfishness. Of course, some parents can understand. But still, if you decide to have children, be ready to give them. enoughNot getting away with it at the first opportunity.

Mistakes in education can be many. But most of them are based on our selfishness and unwillingness to pay enough attention to the child and his upbringing.

Being a parent is not easy. Often this work seems completely ungrateful and very hard. Try to think about how happy your son or daughter will grow up. thanks to your efforts. His life and relationships will go well thanks to your patience and effort.


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