Tablecloths for festive tables and fabric for them

The capabilities of modern fabric stores or finished textiles are so huge that they can easily help. You implement any ideas and create a stylish service.
Everyone has their own idea of the New Year holiday. Someone can not imagine this day without an elegant Christmas tree, someone without a mountain of gifts, and for others this day is associated with a festive table and a lot of treats. The most exquisite and tasty dishes will look more attractive if there is a New Year tablecloth on the table, which has a thematic design.
How to choose this element of decor?
If the range of stores does not suit you and the proposed models do not like, then you can buy fabrics in Ukraine and sew the product to order. Otherwise, you can buy goods in a classic store or order online. But, in both cases, the following selection rules should be followed:
- Size. The model should meet the parameters of the table and hang about 30 centimeters. Longer edges can lead to "confusing" guests.
- Material. Natural fabrics look more solemn and noble, but they require delicate and difficult care. Synthetics look not so rich, but unpretentious in care.
- Napkins. They should be combined with the main decor, otherwise they will look ridiculous.
- The dishes. There may be two options. The first is a tablecloth and utensils in a single style, the second is snow-white ceramics and crystal.

Which fabric to choose?
The main favorite in this area is linen, which does not lose its shape and retains the brightness of colors without burnout and fading. But, this fiber requires careful and very pretentious care. Of course, there are other suitable materials:
- Tapestry. Its main drawback is heavy weight, and otherwise it is a beautiful canvas, which is very wear-resistant and durable;
- Horn. It is a light, weightless and flowing fabric, created to give a festive atmosphere and elegance. The only drawback is the tendency to lead;
- Combined materials. Mixing threads makes the product stronger, retains its shape and brightness of colors.
New Year’s tablecloth will help organize an elegant celebration and observe the main rules of etiquette. And the capabilities of modern fabric stores or finished textiles are so huge that they can easily help. You implement any ideas and create a stylish service.
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