Why you can not plant a birch near the house
Trees are a beautiful decoration of any area. They give us the desired shade in the summer and delight us with lush greenery. Agree, the yard without trees looks uncomfortable and empty. However, not all cultures are suitable for decorating the territory near the house. In this article we will tell you what negative consequences can lead to. birch.
In addition to doubtful superstitions, there are many Objective reasons not to plant birch near the house. It turns out that this beauty, sung by musicians, poets and artists, can bring a lot of trouble.
As you can see, this tree is too problematic if it grows near the house. It is better to enjoy the beauty of birches somewhere in the grove, and plant less troublesome crops on your site. It's also associated with birch. superstition. We don’t want to believe them, but we will.
Birch-related superstitions
But it's not all that sad. There are also beliefs that speak birch-beauty.
Of course, birch is a very beautiful tree, but for the site near the house is not very suitable. We also recommend to read the article about other crops that are not desirable to plant near the home.
What plants decorate your yard? Tell me in the comments!
In addition to doubtful superstitions, there are many Objective reasons not to plant birch near the house. It turns out that this beauty, sung by musicians, poets and artists, can bring a lot of trouble.
- Birch is a rather tall tree with a branched root system. In this regard, she may soil. If you plant birch near the house, then at a distance of not 8 meters from the house.
- The second problem is altitude. Birch branches can tap And even bring them down in bad weather.
- This culture can be great. plague during flowering. Many people have an allergic reaction to pollen plants, including birch “earrings”.
- Wood birch flammable. In this regard, its neighborhood with wooden structures is unsafe, as it can lead to a fire.
- Birch is a moisture-loving culture that will rake out all the water and useful substances from the soil. Within a radius of 3-4 meters around the birch there will be no life for moisture-loving and fastidious plants.
- Small parts of the tree: for example, small falling leaves, inflorescences, parts of the bark - can litter And the rooftop.
As you can see, this tree is too problematic if it grows near the house. It is better to enjoy the beauty of birches somewhere in the grove, and plant less troublesome crops on your site. It's also associated with birch. superstition. We don’t want to believe them, but we will.
Birch-related superstitions
- Formerly it was believed that the birch planted near the house, troublesome. And in a house built on the site of a birch grove, happiness will not take root.
- Sprawling birch branches were considered a haven for mermaids, and the rustling of its leaves - the voice of deceased ancestors.
- The ancestors believed that birch standing alone, attracts restless souls.
But it's not all that sad. There are also beliefs that speak birch-beauty.
- According to ancient beliefs, a birch planted outside the gates scare away evil spirits and the evil eye.
- The ancestors also believed that a broom made of birch branches, put at the head of a woman who gives birth to a child, facilitates childbirth.
- Previously, birch wood was made of amulets and amulets that protected against evil spirits. And birch twigs decorated the cake of the newlyweds so that the family reigned harmony and happiness.
- Also, birch branches were placed in the barn or stuck in the field so that the harvest was good and the cattle were fertile.

Of course, birch is a very beautiful tree, but for the site near the house is not very suitable. We also recommend to read the article about other crops that are not desirable to plant near the home.
What plants decorate your yard? Tell me in the comments!
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