Consultant fashion store in Poland told what blouses age women after 50

Stylish blouses for women will undoubtedly be a wonderful addition to the natural beauty of every lady. Only fashion is changeable and capricious, like a young lady. It is necessary to carefully monitor what is now on hearing, and what is long overdue to retire. In addition, many ladies try to keep up with the style of the past years or, conversely, try to win on this. But there are certain blouses that only age An experienced beauty.

Women who are not well versed in fashion, can still Wear those blouses. Here are some examples of clothes that have lost their relevance. Perhaps for some thematic event and suitable one of the mentioned things. But on a permanent basis it is better not to wear them.

Nowhere without peas is a cute and harmless drawing. It's even a little childish. A stately lady is not fit to wear shirts with such a print, especially small white peas on a dark background. It might. age and spoil the image. Make it incomprehensible and too boring. Such a drawing can be associated with retro motifs, which is very useful for a thematic output. If you want to add freshness, it is better to prefer a light background, as well as peas of different shades and sizes.

Stylish blouses for women with floral motifs Many will remember the skirts of grandmothers at a respectable age when it comes to blouses flowery. Unfortunately, or fortunately, the popularity of this painting has passed. Flower motifs will not add to the stately lady elegance. It will be difficult to create a beautiful image with such a shirt. A monochrome shirt will be a great alternative, it is only important to choose a good color.

Stylists do not advise older women to choose fitting blouses. Such models are also out of fashion. Besides, they can. highlight Figures, if any. Of course, you should not get too carried away with clothes that are too large. It is advisable to find the best option that would favorably emphasize all your advantages.

Beautiful toads and retro elements Unquestionably, blouses with voluminous toads or various decorative retro collars effectualize A lady of any age. In addition, the Victorian style of clothing is now quite popular. But make sure your blouse doesn’t look like it’s been seen for centuries. If so, then Look for newer and fresher options light-colored blouse. It will save the situation.

Fashion on sleeves in the style of “bat” returns, but there is one “but”. Owners of lush forms it is better to abandon such an idea with sleeves-flying. A blouse like that can. add And to show your figure in a bad light.

Stylish blouses for women and an unfortunate color Of course, the advice of stylists is not a sentence. If you especially like to wear a particular style of blouses and you know that they decorate you, then you should not deny yourself such pleasure. Even in spite of fashion trends. It's important. Choose the right color and size. Clothing should decorate and delight your mistress. What we sincerely wish you, beautiful fashionista.


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