What to plant next to grapes, so that abundant bunches hang heavily
How to plant grapes so that it gives a generous harvest, and not a cup on the root? There are many rules, and one of them is to protect the vine from unwanted neighbors.
But not all neighbors are equally bad. There are also plants that have a beneficial effect on grapes, supply it with nutrients, protect against pests and improve the taste of berries. List of plants-companions of grapes in our article.
How to plant grapes
The editorial board is often asked whether weeds should be removed from under the grapes. Experience suggests that the vine winters and develops better when the rows are planted with something. A lot of experiments with weeds in vineyards was conducted by the famous Austrian winemaker Lenz Moser. On some rows he kept the soil clean, and on others from mid-summer allowed weeds to grow freely. As a result, bushes that grew on soil without weeds, significantly lagged behind in growth. The conclusion is this: weeds, except for the most evil, it is better not to touch.
But not all neighbors are equally bad. There are also plants that have a beneficial effect on grapes, supply it with nutrients, protect against pests and improve the taste of berries. List of plants-companions of grapes in our article.
How to plant grapes
- To form berries and increase their sugar content, grapes desperately need nitrogen. And replenish its supply in the soil can be legumes, which are classified as siderates: soybean, lupin, vica, alfalfa, peas.
© Phere - The purity of many grows like a weed. But it's actually a medicinal plant. Its juice heals wounds and improves the condition of the skin.
© Phere
In the vicinity of grapes, celandine shades the soil, retains moisture and protects grape bushes from diseases and pests. - Soil is good in green borscht. In addition, it is considered one of the best companions of grapes. Next to the sorrel, the vine grows faster and forms larger berries.
- Among vegetable crops, successful neighbors of grapes are beets, carrots, onions, radishes, cauliflower.
- Grape growth is accelerated by many spicy herbs. So, basil, dill, spinach secrete biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on grapes.
- Often in between rows of grapes are cultivated strawberries. The roots of plants are at different levels and do not interfere with each other to extract useful substances from the soil.
- A separate history of the relationship between grapes and roses. In Europe, for example, it is customary that at the beginning of each grape line, a pink bush necessarily grows.
On the one hand, prickly roses prevent animals from trampling vineyards. They also serve as a biological indicator. The fact is that both roses and grapes suffer from infection with false powdery dew (mildew).
And roses are susceptible to infection even more than berry culture. Saw a disease on roses - know that you need to urgently spray the vine with fungicides. And the third one is just beautiful.
The editorial board is often asked whether weeds should be removed from under the grapes. Experience suggests that the vine winters and develops better when the rows are planted with something. A lot of experiments with weeds in vineyards was conducted by the famous Austrian winemaker Lenz Moser. On some rows he kept the soil clean, and on others from mid-summer allowed weeds to grow freely. As a result, bushes that grew on soil without weeds, significantly lagged behind in growth. The conclusion is this: weeds, except for the most evil, it is better not to touch.
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