She stole 2 teaspoons of coffee from her husband, he drinks instant coffee, bolted Greek frappe coffee in a half-liter jar
According to the calendar, hot weather is just around the corner. Cool drinks are in great demand again. And what to do an avid lover of coffee, if in the heat his body refuses not only from hot, but even from barely warm drinks? In this case, we suggest preparing coffee-frappeThe marketers claim to be of Greek origin. But there is some truth to that.
It was back in 1957, when the International Trade Fair was held in the Greek city of Thessaloniki on the Aegean Sea. Nestlé employee Dimitrios Vacondios wanted a cup of coffee out of habit. But he found that there was no hot water on hand. Then the man took instant coffee, sugar and cold water, and then mixed it all in a shaker. And I got an amazing drink.
A refreshing drink with milk and coffee foam liked not only the inventor. Nestlé also saw the potential of the unusual cocktail and soon began to advertise it. The name was given in French, but the origin was left in Greek.
The drink caught on and gained popularity. In the summer heat, when you want caffeine, but do not want to drink anything hot, it is seen as a real salvation. And in Greece or Cyprus coffee frappa in the summer willing to drink not only tourists, but also locals. We suggest you try cooking.
The ingredients
When ordering coffee frappe, you need to consider that there are three main varieties of it: sketos (without sugar), metrios (medium) and glycos (sweet). The rest of the drink can experiment for every taste. Some add sweet syrups, others pour more milk or cream.
Experiment to find out which coffee frappe you like best. And perhaps this cool drink will save you in the summer heat.
It was back in 1957, when the International Trade Fair was held in the Greek city of Thessaloniki on the Aegean Sea. Nestlé employee Dimitrios Vacondios wanted a cup of coffee out of habit. But he found that there was no hot water on hand. Then the man took instant coffee, sugar and cold water, and then mixed it all in a shaker. And I got an amazing drink.

A refreshing drink with milk and coffee foam liked not only the inventor. Nestlé also saw the potential of the unusual cocktail and soon began to advertise it. The name was given in French, but the origin was left in Greek.

The drink caught on and gained popularity. In the summer heat, when you want caffeine, but do not want to drink anything hot, it is seen as a real salvation. And in Greece or Cyprus coffee frappa in the summer willing to drink not only tourists, but also locals. We suggest you try cooking.

The ingredients
- 2 tsp instant coffee
- 2 tsp sugar
- 50ml boiled water
- 50 ml of milk
- ice-cup
- Professionals prepare a drink in a shaker, but even if there is no such device, you can use a blender. In extreme cases, you can take an ordinary half-liter jar with a dense lid. This is a good option, because the bank is always at hand.
- We send coffee, sugar, water and milk to a jar. If you make a drink without milk, then pour water twice as much as originally indicated. Close the lid and shake vigorously for 30-60 seconds.
- It should be an interesting cocktail with a gentle foam and coffee taste. Fill the glass with ice cubes, and then pour a cocktail there. We just need to get a straw and we can help ourselves. Bon appetit!
When ordering coffee frappe, you need to consider that there are three main varieties of it: sketos (without sugar), metrios (medium) and glycos (sweet). The rest of the drink can experiment for every taste. Some add sweet syrups, others pour more milk or cream.

Experiment to find out which coffee frappe you like best. And perhaps this cool drink will save you in the summer heat.
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