Severe hepatitis C disease

Hepatitis C is a disease with a viral nature of infection. A dangerous feature of the disease - decades can be asymptomatic. As a result, a chronic stage develops, which leads to serious complications. The severity of the disease lies in concomitant pathologies:
- Fibrosis formation.
- Hepatic cirrhosis.
- The occurrence of problems from the cardiovascular, excretory, digestive systems.
- Kidney failure.
- Oncology.
For treatment, it is necessary to take a course of tablets against hepatitis C for 12 to 24 weeks. The effective drugs were originally manufactured in America by the pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences. Their cost is too high for an ordinary patient, for the course will have to pay up to a hundred thousand dollars. It is composed of:
- Sofosbuvir.
- Daclatasvir.
- Ladypasvir.
- Velpatasvir.
What is hepatitis C, as transmitted
The statistics provided by the World Health Organization are disappointing. About two hundred million people are infected with HCV on the planet. Despite the fact that the disease is considered curable, every year there is a fatal outcome for one and a half million people.
This is due to poor public awareness:
- misunderstanding of symptoms;
- ignorance of the causes of infection;
- A small number of people undergo regular examinations.
- Sofosbuvir / Daclatasvir is effective in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 varieties of Hepatitis C.
- Sofosbuvir / Ledipasvir is used for 1, 4, 5 genotypes.
- Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir treats all types of HCV.

The name “gentle killer” disease received because of the insidious absence of symptoms for a long time. An infected person does not suspect of the disease, does not seek medical help, poses a danger to people around him.
Transmission of the virus occurs parenterally, that is, through direct contact with the blood of a sick person. Contamination is possible:
- when injecting drugs with a reused syringe;
- during the passage of cosmetic procedures: tattooing, piercing, manicure manipulations;
- unprotected sexual contact;
- During childbirth, an infected mother can transmit the virus to the baby;
- if partners in everyday life use the same personal hygiene items - scissors, toothbrushes, razor machines, combs.
The severity of HCV disease is expressed in the degree of liver damage. Signs of destruction vary:
- vascular stars on the skin;
- increasing the size and shape of the organ;
- dilated vein in the abdominal wall;
- liver failure.
Quality medical products, including resuscitation respiratory circuits, at an adequate price
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