Herbal decoctions in the treatment of hepatitis C. Is it effective?
Hepatitis C is caused by a single-stranded virus from the Flaviviridae family.
Phage development in liver cells leads to their death.
The functions of the hepatobiliary system - liver, bile ducts - are impaired, which leads to cirrhosis, cancer and liver failure.
Infusions and decoctions of herbs slow down pathological changes in the organs.
However, experts strongly do not recommend treating hepatitis C using traditional medicine.
It is impossible to get rid of HCV with herbal medicine alone.
If a person is diagnosed with HCV, you should consult a hepatologist or infectious disease specialist and choose treatment with direct-acting oral antiviral drugs (DAA):
- sofosbuvir;
- ledipasvir;
- daclatasvir;
- vepatasvir.
To do this, you need to take one or two tablets daily, depending on the individually prescribed course.
You can buy Daklatasvir from India at Doctor HCV online pharmacy.
How herbal teas help with HCV
In Hepatitis C, herbs with hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, immunostimulating functions normalize liver function, restore hepatocytes, and stimulate immunity.
To maintain the gland and to prevent complications such as steatosis, fibrosis, cholestasis, obstructive jaundice, cirrhosis, herbs are included in complex antiviral therapy.
Traditional healers claim that the liver is effectively cleansed with the help of:
- immortelle - the secretion of bile is normalized, with an exacerbation, the spasm of the biliary tract is relieved;
- peppermint - efficiency is restored and jaundice is gradually removed;
- milk thistle - the regeneration of healthy liver cells is enhanced, the formation and spread of the inflammatory process in the soft tissues of the gland stops;
- tansy - the processes of bile outflow are normalized, there is a fight against the virus;
- calendula - cell metabolism improves, the formation and spread of inflammatory processes stops;
- flax seeds - the metabolic process is accelerated, which affects natural cleansing, the choleretic effect is enhanced in cirrhosis.
Herbal treatment rules
Herbal treatment for hepatitis C must be combined with direct-acting antiviral drugs.
You can buy generics Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir at a price affordable for Russians on the Doctor HCV website.
The characteristics of the patient's treatment are influenced by: age, immune status, clinical picture, degree of liver damage, neglect of infection.
In the presence of end-stage cirrhosis and decompensated liver failure, herbs are not used for treatment.
For viral hepatitis, herbs are used according to the following rules:
- Cooking.
2. Allergotest.
To avoid swelling of the mucous membrane, skin itching, an allergy test is performed by applying a small amount of infusion or decoction to the wrist. If itching and rash do not appear within 30-40 minutes, the infusion can be used as directed.
3. Time of reception.
To improve bile secretion, decoctions are taken half an hour before meals at least 2-3 times a day. It is not recommended to use diuretic herbs one and a half to two hours before bedtime.
4. Duration of therapy.
Medicinal plants containing useful substances accumulate in the body. They acquire medicinal properties only after reaching a certain concentration. Therefore, they need to be taken in courses of 1 week or more.
Hepatitis With medicinal plants it is impossible to kill.
However, herbs can stimulate the body to fight infection.
Herbal medicine is aimed only at maintaining the liver, preventing cholestasis, fibrosis and fatty hepatosis.