Why the “soul of the company” is at risk of meeting a lonely poor old age
We decide for ourselves what is important in life and what is secondary. But sometimes the choice of priorities fails, and life seems to have gone awry. You may have met people that everyone in the company loved, but after a while they were lonely and unhappy. What could have happened to the funny man, and why is fate not favorable to him? But it is not even a matter of fate, but how we manage our time and what we spend our energy on.
Why do some manage to build a business from scratch, climb the career ladder and achieve unimaginable heights, while others are doomed to be in poverty all their lives? A huge role in the life of each of us is played by the inner core, which is strengthened by most of us ourselves. Anna Kiryanova told an interesting parable that makes you think about what is most important for us in life.
One day people had little money, and they became very rare to buy buns. The owner of the institution came to the sage and asked if more people would come to him if he would perform tricks, joke and entertain everyone. “If I wave my hands in a bright suit and make everyone laugh, will more people come to the bakery?” he asked with hope. The wise man replied, “Of course, more people will come, but they will not buy scones.”
People come to the bakery for bread, and will come there if the bread is tasty and fresh. Quality comes first and everyone is willing to pay for it. But the onlookers who come for free entertainment will not buy anything.
If you want to sell as many buns as possible, start a family or move up the career ladder, you will have to work long and hard. You need to treat your work responsibly and do everything that depends on you, so that the work will bear fruit.
Being a polite, funny person is very good, but not the most important thing. You do not need to try to please everyone, over the course of life many unreliable friends and frivolous partners are eliminated, only those who appreciate you are real. If you want a strong relationship, you won't meet every person you meet at the bar.
To connect your life with a worthy person who will be ready to accept all your advantages and disadvantages, you must first of all be independent of someone else’s opinion and concentrate on your life goals. Then you will not have time to come to your senses, as you will find like-minded people for whom you will not need to wear a tortured smile and try to cheer them up.
The same can be said about work. To stay on a good job, you need to work hard, submit reports on time and qualitatively perform everything that your boss requires. A couple of good jokes in a relaxed atmosphere will not save you from the work that should have been done yesterday, and no one will pat on the head for it. Purpose, responsibility and respect are the qualities of a person who is able to take care of himself and his family.
Cheerful people, whom everyone adores, often remain out of business precisely because they did not set vital goals in time. They support and amuse others while their own bakery falls into disrepair.
If you have clearly outlined your life goals, do not lose your way. The right people will appear in your life, and success must be achieved alone. This is a difficult path, which will always be detractors and envious, but if you are true to your priorities, there will be those who support you in difficult times.

Why do some manage to build a business from scratch, climb the career ladder and achieve unimaginable heights, while others are doomed to be in poverty all their lives? A huge role in the life of each of us is played by the inner core, which is strengthened by most of us ourselves. Anna Kiryanova told an interesting parable that makes you think about what is most important for us in life.

One day people had little money, and they became very rare to buy buns. The owner of the institution came to the sage and asked if more people would come to him if he would perform tricks, joke and entertain everyone. “If I wave my hands in a bright suit and make everyone laugh, will more people come to the bakery?” he asked with hope. The wise man replied, “Of course, more people will come, but they will not buy scones.”

People come to the bakery for bread, and will come there if the bread is tasty and fresh. Quality comes first and everyone is willing to pay for it. But the onlookers who come for free entertainment will not buy anything.

If you want to sell as many buns as possible, start a family or move up the career ladder, you will have to work long and hard. You need to treat your work responsibly and do everything that depends on you, so that the work will bear fruit.

Being a polite, funny person is very good, but not the most important thing. You do not need to try to please everyone, over the course of life many unreliable friends and frivolous partners are eliminated, only those who appreciate you are real. If you want a strong relationship, you won't meet every person you meet at the bar.

To connect your life with a worthy person who will be ready to accept all your advantages and disadvantages, you must first of all be independent of someone else’s opinion and concentrate on your life goals. Then you will not have time to come to your senses, as you will find like-minded people for whom you will not need to wear a tortured smile and try to cheer them up.

The same can be said about work. To stay on a good job, you need to work hard, submit reports on time and qualitatively perform everything that your boss requires. A couple of good jokes in a relaxed atmosphere will not save you from the work that should have been done yesterday, and no one will pat on the head for it. Purpose, responsibility and respect are the qualities of a person who is able to take care of himself and his family.

Cheerful people, whom everyone adores, often remain out of business precisely because they did not set vital goals in time. They support and amuse others while their own bakery falls into disrepair.

If you have clearly outlined your life goals, do not lose your way. The right people will appear in your life, and success must be achieved alone. This is a difficult path, which will always be detractors and envious, but if you are true to your priorities, there will be those who support you in difficult times.