I don’t throw out old torn tights, but bring it to my mother, and she does wonders.
Nylon tights are present in the wardrobe of most women. However, their age is short. And no matter how hard you try, soon a puff or a hole appears on the tights.
Nylon was invented by an employee of the American company DuPont in 1935. And five years later, tights made of synthetic miracle fibers went on sale to forever win women’s hearts.
GettyImages The first package read "Stronger steel, thinner webs." Is it worth throwing away material with such amazing properties? Moreover, firstly, it decomposes from 30 to 100 years, and secondly, it will find a lot of applications in everyday life.
Why put tights in the washing machine Put a ball of thread in a capron stocking or in old tights. Tighten the edges of the stocking with threads so that the ball is fixed inside very firmly. What's that for?
It turns out a homemade analog of washing balls. In the process of rotating the drum of the washing machine, it will hit the surface of the clothes, knocking out dirt from it and not allowing the linen to stick together when the drum is fully loaded.
In addition, before wrapping the ball in a stocking, you can drop a few drops of your favorite essential oil into it. This way you will give the washed things aroma without using air conditioning for laundry.
In wooden boxes, wicker baskets, fabric bags, you can create good ventilation, but it is difficult to protect the bulbs from contact with neighboring bulbs, one of which may be rotten and can spoil the entire harvest.
Our grandmothers used a simple and effective way to store onions - in old women's tights. Over this habit at one time satirists laughed enough, but it nevertheless works and protects onions from rotting.
Especially if there are nodules between the bulbs. You put an onion, you tie a knot, then you put the next one. The resulting onion "leg" should be hung in a dry cool place. If you need a bow, just cut off the bottom without touching all the others.
You will need a bubble of castor oil, which many probably have in the first aid kit, and old nylon tights, which we simply throw out as unnecessary.
Apply a couple drops of oil on your shoes and rub the surface with old tights. They absorb oil well and carefully polish shoes even from the most delicate skin. It lasts a long time, and you can always wash it. It turns out to be a great budget replacement for shop sponges.
Painting eggs for Easter is a wonderful tradition that allows you to distract from all worries and devote your time to creativity. You're gonna need some old tights. Pour raw eggs with cold water and wet one by one in finely sliced husks.
Next, wrap each egg with gauze or capron tights. Put the prepared eggs in a pan of food paint so that they hide under water. Cook until ready, rinse in cold water, remove tights with husks and rinse again.
Bags with dried aromatic herbs will create a pleasant aroma in the house, eliminate an unpleasant smell in the car and scare away moths. As a filler, dry flowers and herbs, citrus peels, coffee beans are suitable.
But for the manufacture of the bags themselves, or, as they are also called, sachets, you will also need those old tights. Sachets can be hung on walls, hidden among linen or on shelves in the closet.
According to experienced gardeners, garters for grapes from women's tights are advantageously different from all others. They do not slide along the wire, gently tighten tender young shoots, reduce the risk of their damage.
In addition, rings made of old tights, which in any case should have been in the garbage can, cost nothing, and cut them is not difficult.
If you have nylon tights that have expired, do not rush to throw them away. And be sure to share these useful tricks for life with friends!
The article uses a photo.

Nylon was invented by an employee of the American company DuPont in 1935. And five years later, tights made of synthetic miracle fibers went on sale to forever win women’s hearts.

GettyImages The first package read "Stronger steel, thinner webs." Is it worth throwing away material with such amazing properties? Moreover, firstly, it decomposes from 30 to 100 years, and secondly, it will find a lot of applications in everyday life.
Why put tights in the washing machine Put a ball of thread in a capron stocking or in old tights. Tighten the edges of the stocking with threads so that the ball is fixed inside very firmly. What's that for?

It turns out a homemade analog of washing balls. In the process of rotating the drum of the washing machine, it will hit the surface of the clothes, knocking out dirt from it and not allowing the linen to stick together when the drum is fully loaded.

In addition, before wrapping the ball in a stocking, you can drop a few drops of your favorite essential oil into it. This way you will give the washed things aroma without using air conditioning for laundry.
In wooden boxes, wicker baskets, fabric bags, you can create good ventilation, but it is difficult to protect the bulbs from contact with neighboring bulbs, one of which may be rotten and can spoil the entire harvest.

Our grandmothers used a simple and effective way to store onions - in old women's tights. Over this habit at one time satirists laughed enough, but it nevertheless works and protects onions from rotting.

Especially if there are nodules between the bulbs. You put an onion, you tie a knot, then you put the next one. The resulting onion "leg" should be hung in a dry cool place. If you need a bow, just cut off the bottom without touching all the others.
You will need a bubble of castor oil, which many probably have in the first aid kit, and old nylon tights, which we simply throw out as unnecessary.

Apply a couple drops of oil on your shoes and rub the surface with old tights. They absorb oil well and carefully polish shoes even from the most delicate skin. It lasts a long time, and you can always wash it. It turns out to be a great budget replacement for shop sponges.
Painting eggs for Easter is a wonderful tradition that allows you to distract from all worries and devote your time to creativity. You're gonna need some old tights. Pour raw eggs with cold water and wet one by one in finely sliced husks.

Next, wrap each egg with gauze or capron tights. Put the prepared eggs in a pan of food paint so that they hide under water. Cook until ready, rinse in cold water, remove tights with husks and rinse again.
Bags with dried aromatic herbs will create a pleasant aroma in the house, eliminate an unpleasant smell in the car and scare away moths. As a filler, dry flowers and herbs, citrus peels, coffee beans are suitable.

But for the manufacture of the bags themselves, or, as they are also called, sachets, you will also need those old tights. Sachets can be hung on walls, hidden among linen or on shelves in the closet.
According to experienced gardeners, garters for grapes from women's tights are advantageously different from all others. They do not slide along the wire, gently tighten tender young shoots, reduce the risk of their damage.

In addition, rings made of old tights, which in any case should have been in the garbage can, cost nothing, and cut them is not difficult.
If you have nylon tights that have expired, do not rush to throw them away. And be sure to share these useful tricks for life with friends!
The article uses a photo.
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