How to treat fruit trees at the end of summer
Tree processing is one of the main things to do in the garden for August. Wise agronomists, trained by many years of experience, know that all their labors devoted to the care of fruit trees will certainly pay off with a generous harvest. Therefore, they do not hesitate to begin this task.
Previously edited "Site" I have already written about how to treat trees in the garden in the spring. Today we will tell you how to take care of them in the summer season.
Tree processing There are several factors affecting fruit tree fertility. One of them is root-state.
A large harvest can be obtained only from a tree that has healthy and strong roots, since only a strong root system is able to provide water and nutrients to the entire plant. And it affects just the quality of the soil.
It is the soil that is the medium for the growth and development of the root system. It follows that caring for him is the primary task that should be performed by a diligent gardener.
But do not forget about the above-ground part of the plant. After all, the health of the leaves and the number of ovaries also directly affect the yield.
So, for example, an excessive number of ovaries and a small number of leaves negatively affects the development of fruits. In addition, the fact that the tree spends all its strength on the growth of a large number of fruits increases the frequency of fruiting.
The best solution in this situation is to pruning. This will allow you to form the right crown and regulate the load of the tree with fruits. In the end, this will positively affect the taste of the fruits, and also contribute to further fruiting.
It also happens that the tree has wildly growing foliage and healthy roots, but still does not bear fruit. In this case, many are lost in guessing what to do with it. It's very simple.
To solve this problem, it is necessary to conduct procedures aimed at weakening the growth of shoots. Weakening the growth of shoots, we allow the plant to use resources not on them, but on the formation and development of fruits.
You can reduce the number of vertical branches by bending some of them. This work should be done throughout the summer. This will stimulate the planting of flower buds on stronger shoots, which as a result will turn into juicy liquid fruits.
Among other things, at the time of flowering, it is worth attracting pollinators to the garden. A good solution is to plant honey plants in areas with problem trees. And if there is a possibility to install a couple of beehives - and it is absolutely wonderful!
To enhance flowering and increase fruiting, you can also use special fertilizers that contribute to the increase of ovaries. To fertilize trees with nitrogen means should be twice immediately after flowering, with a break of 1-1.5 weeks.
In the summer, to consolidate the result, it is worth making complex fertilizers with a predominance of the phosphorus-potassium component.
And, of course, do not forget about the timely treatment of plants from pests. By the way, what funds usually help you in this difficult case?
We look forward to the comments and say goodbye. We wish you a good day and a rich harvest!

Previously edited "Site" I have already written about how to treat trees in the garden in the spring. Today we will tell you how to take care of them in the summer season.
Tree processing There are several factors affecting fruit tree fertility. One of them is root-state.
A large harvest can be obtained only from a tree that has healthy and strong roots, since only a strong root system is able to provide water and nutrients to the entire plant. And it affects just the quality of the soil.
It is the soil that is the medium for the growth and development of the root system. It follows that caring for him is the primary task that should be performed by a diligent gardener.
But do not forget about the above-ground part of the plant. After all, the health of the leaves and the number of ovaries also directly affect the yield.

So, for example, an excessive number of ovaries and a small number of leaves negatively affects the development of fruits. In addition, the fact that the tree spends all its strength on the growth of a large number of fruits increases the frequency of fruiting.
The best solution in this situation is to pruning. This will allow you to form the right crown and regulate the load of the tree with fruits. In the end, this will positively affect the taste of the fruits, and also contribute to further fruiting.

It also happens that the tree has wildly growing foliage and healthy roots, but still does not bear fruit. In this case, many are lost in guessing what to do with it. It's very simple.
To solve this problem, it is necessary to conduct procedures aimed at weakening the growth of shoots. Weakening the growth of shoots, we allow the plant to use resources not on them, but on the formation and development of fruits.
You can reduce the number of vertical branches by bending some of them. This work should be done throughout the summer. This will stimulate the planting of flower buds on stronger shoots, which as a result will turn into juicy liquid fruits.

Among other things, at the time of flowering, it is worth attracting pollinators to the garden. A good solution is to plant honey plants in areas with problem trees. And if there is a possibility to install a couple of beehives - and it is absolutely wonderful!

To enhance flowering and increase fruiting, you can also use special fertilizers that contribute to the increase of ovaries. To fertilize trees with nitrogen means should be twice immediately after flowering, with a break of 1-1.5 weeks.
In the summer, to consolidate the result, it is worth making complex fertilizers with a predominance of the phosphorus-potassium component.

And, of course, do not forget about the timely treatment of plants from pests. By the way, what funds usually help you in this difficult case?
We look forward to the comments and say goodbye. We wish you a good day and a rich harvest!
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