Organization of lighting in the nursery: tips
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The specificity of the child in its versatility. She also serves as for sleep, games, educational classes, young guests. Therefore, equipping the room with the child, parents should think not only about creating a nice environment with toys and images of cartoon characters, but also about the comfort of the baby. The correct choice of lamps allows you to keep good vision, promotes good physical and mental health of the child. On the website Svetilnikof you can choose any variant on the design, functionality and financial capabilities.
Natural light
It should be used to the maximum. It is desirable that the Windows looked out to the South-East or East. Natural light in a room with Windows on the West less, preferably in the daytime in the room twilight reigns, but in the evening — too much light. To correct the situation will help carefully chosen fixtures.
Features of artificial lighting
The light in the nursery is within 3 levels.
The basic rule — the interaction of two varieties of lighting: General and local. General lighting serves as the Central device with diffused or reflected from polaca light. It is advisable to buy lights that are resistant to childish pranks, with plastic or cloth shades. Good option — led strip located on the perimeter of the room.
The optimal color lighting — neutral white, occupies an intermediate position between warm and cold. This is a good option for lighting a workplace because it has the effect of stimulating mental activity.
As a source of guidance in children's use wall-mounted or bedside lighting. It is advisable to choose products with simple, restrained design, with closed shades. You can't use sconces for reading lying down. First, it is not too useful, and, secondly, the light from them is lacking.
Necessarily the presence of a lamp with a soft, warm and dim light. A yellowish glow has a calming effect, promotes healthy sleep. It is better to use a table lamp than the wall.
Types of lamps for the nursery
Fluorescent lamps, which are often used in offices, is not the best option for a child's room because they adversely affect the eyesight of children. Incandescent bulbs low energy efficiency. Besides, there is a risk of burns. Optimal led-lamps, because they are completely safe, hardy, almost no heat and are very economical. In addition, the scope for imagination is virtually unlimited. Imitation of the sky, the Northern lights or just a beautifully executed lighting fixture will surely appeal to the young owner of the room.
The specificity of the child in its versatility. She also serves as for sleep, games, educational classes, young guests. Therefore, equipping the room with the child, parents should think not only about creating a nice environment with toys and images of cartoon characters, but also about the comfort of the baby. The correct choice of lamps allows you to keep good vision, promotes good physical and mental health of the child. On the website Svetilnikof you can choose any variant on the design, functionality and financial capabilities.

Natural light
It should be used to the maximum. It is desirable that the Windows looked out to the South-East or East. Natural light in a room with Windows on the West less, preferably in the daytime in the room twilight reigns, but in the evening — too much light. To correct the situation will help carefully chosen fixtures.

Features of artificial lighting
The light in the nursery is within 3 levels.
- Ceiling.
- Wall.
- Table.
The basic rule — the interaction of two varieties of lighting: General and local. General lighting serves as the Central device with diffused or reflected from polaca light. It is advisable to buy lights that are resistant to childish pranks, with plastic or cloth shades. Good option — led strip located on the perimeter of the room.
The optimal color lighting — neutral white, occupies an intermediate position between warm and cold. This is a good option for lighting a workplace because it has the effect of stimulating mental activity.
As a source of guidance in children's use wall-mounted or bedside lighting. It is advisable to choose products with simple, restrained design, with closed shades. You can't use sconces for reading lying down. First, it is not too useful, and, secondly, the light from them is lacking.
Necessarily the presence of a lamp with a soft, warm and dim light. A yellowish glow has a calming effect, promotes healthy sleep. It is better to use a table lamp than the wall.
Types of lamps for the nursery
Fluorescent lamps, which are often used in offices, is not the best option for a child's room because they adversely affect the eyesight of children. Incandescent bulbs low energy efficiency. Besides, there is a risk of burns. Optimal led-lamps, because they are completely safe, hardy, almost no heat and are very economical. In addition, the scope for imagination is virtually unlimited. Imitation of the sky, the Northern lights or just a beautifully executed lighting fixture will surely appeal to the young owner of the room.

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