New opportunities for small business
Twenty million two hundred thirty seven thousand two hundred sixty five
First appeared a financial institution that works exclusively with individual entrepreneurs and legal entities that are included in the category of small business. Imposed settlement and cash services for small business that saves businesses from losing time, effort, allows online tracking of all transactions.
Service in a few clicks
If required, for example, opening an account, you need to perform just a few actions. For example, should:
High safety standards
This is one of the main activities of any Bank. Security involves the need to receive an sms code when you log in to your personal account. The organization of a transaction through the personal account of the easy, optimized, allows you to make a wide variety of actions that go beyond translation.
Will be able to promptly receive a statement, contact the technical support of the Bank, to connect new service, and it's not the whole list. Financial institutions of this kind exist in the world, however, in domestic practice, they appeared relatively recently and yet Modelbank is one of a kind. It operates 24 hours a day, the work takes into account the experience of foreign counterparts, introduce new advanced encryption virtual information. There is a guarantee for the safety of all personal and payment data.
Design as simple as possible, but effective. There is nothing superfluous, distracting, all designed for entrepreneurs, freelancers, small businesses would be able to do their work, to control the movement of funds to mount the modules, payroll to staff and to perform other necessary operations.
First appeared a financial institution that works exclusively with individual entrepreneurs and legal entities that are included in the category of small business. Imposed settlement and cash services for small business that saves businesses from losing time, effort, allows online tracking of all transactions.
Service in a few clicks
If required, for example, opening an account, you need to perform just a few actions. For example, should:
- To enter a phone number and leave a request for the opening.
- You can request a call back at a convenient time.
- The emphasis is on small businesses, i.e. entrepreneurs, freelancers, salons, shops.
- Setting up a meeting with representatives of the Bank, hire a Manager and to themselves.
- The final stage — the signing of the documents on opening the account that will be activated the same day.
- There is a mobile app that you can install in your phone, Android, iPhone. You should provide your Internet connection, and it will be ready to work.
High safety standards
This is one of the main activities of any Bank. Security involves the need to receive an sms code when you log in to your personal account. The organization of a transaction through the personal account of the easy, optimized, allows you to make a wide variety of actions that go beyond translation.
Will be able to promptly receive a statement, contact the technical support of the Bank, to connect new service, and it's not the whole list. Financial institutions of this kind exist in the world, however, in domestic practice, they appeared relatively recently and yet Modelbank is one of a kind. It operates 24 hours a day, the work takes into account the experience of foreign counterparts, introduce new advanced encryption virtual information. There is a guarantee for the safety of all personal and payment data.
Design as simple as possible, but effective. There is nothing superfluous, distracting, all designed for entrepreneurs, freelancers, small businesses would be able to do their work, to control the movement of funds to mount the modules, payroll to staff and to perform other necessary operations.
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