Where to get the business idea

Tips Jeffrey Fox - author of books on business, expert and consultant in the field of strategic marketing, the author of popular training programs.
A small excerpt from the book by Jeffrey Fox about how to increase the income of small businesses. It's called "How to make big money in small business." Unfortunately, to find it on sale anymore. But here's the interesting passage about where to get ideas for business.
Opportunities for small business very much. Brainstorming ways listed below:
1. Look in the mirror. What do you know? Your gift can initiate business and bring you a lot of money.
2. What is being done in your family? Is there some kind of family business, which could become yours? It may be worthwhile to work in the family business, to study the case thoroughly and establish your own business?
3. Look to the company where you work. It may be wise to do what makes your company? Whether there is a market that your company could serve, but that remains unaddressed?
4. Learn the ideas that have been rejected or not implemented by your company. Often they are quite promising for small businesses.
5. Read the magazine on franchising. Buy or create a company in a rapidly growing industry, for example, open a gym for women over thirty. Opportunities for franchising a lot.
6. to supply goods and services to a particular ethnic group. Identify a group that is growing rapidly, and sell what you want these people and the way they want. Find out, for example, consume come from the Dominican Republic and some of these products can not get in the US. Learn Spanish and work with clients who speak Spanish.
7. As people age, they need more variety of health services.
8. Watch TV, to learn about a variety of skills and abilities - to repair, gardening, interior decoration. This will allow us to keep abreast of current trends and popular ideas. Is there a company that provides consumers garages? Is there a company that supplies the plans of garden planting flowers and shrubs over the Internet? Is there a company that manages the personal affairs of busy people, if both spouses are working, are constantly on the move, or have a few houses are a way of life that requires planning and organization?
9. Buy a company for which you work. This can be a ransom leveraged buyouts or management.
10. In the company of the sale na, you can withdraw auditors, lawyers, credit managers, professional brokers and announcements. Buy this company.
11. Please rate this business with the following point of view: if you can organize a similar deal a little better? Remember that caught your attention during a recent trips: Is there such a business where you live and whether there is a need?
12. Try to realize one of his old pans, the one on which you were telling people for years. Make your school project, which offered a new business idea.
Well, when you start a business it is important to understand the "What are you really selling?".