The concept of stigma and the ways of its treatment
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When the medical record of the patient you receive a diagnosis of "astigmatism", not every patient understands how this disease appeared. One such dysfunction is congenital, others acquired. Its characteristic is violated the shape of the lens and cornea. Therefore, answering the question of the patient's astigmatism – that is, the inability of the eye to focus at one point falling beams of light. Output – correct correction with lenses or glasses.
Forms of astigmatism
Patients may suffer:
The ability to refract the entering rays and focusing them depends on the kind of astigmatism that the patient suffers from.
Simple (hyperopic/myopic) astigmatism is determined when the rays are refracted in the same Meridian. Emmetropia (normally focused image) is recorded in a different Meridian. Complex (hyperopic/myopic) – when in the main Meridian is normal refraction and focusing of light. Mixed astigmatism different meridians is a unique combination of myopia and hypermetropia.
On the degree scale, having the form of a semicircle, determine the types of astigmatism (direct, reverse, oblique). To do this, in each case to consider the location of meridians.
Methods of treatment
Can be used hard or soft lenses that many patients seem more comfortable. They can be spherical (standard) and toroidal shape.
When the medical record of the patient you receive a diagnosis of "astigmatism", not every patient understands how this disease appeared. One such dysfunction is congenital, others acquired. Its characteristic is violated the shape of the lens and cornea. Therefore, answering the question of the patient's astigmatism – that is, the inability of the eye to focus at one point falling beams of light. Output – correct correction with lenses or glasses.
Forms of astigmatism
Patients may suffer:
- congenital form – the rays of light reaching the retina, begin to deflect in different meridians;
- acquired – due to surgical intervention or injury;
- manifests itself as an anomaly of the lens – rare.
The ability to refract the entering rays and focusing them depends on the kind of astigmatism that the patient suffers from.
Simple (hyperopic/myopic) astigmatism is determined when the rays are refracted in the same Meridian. Emmetropia (normally focused image) is recorded in a different Meridian. Complex (hyperopic/myopic) – when in the main Meridian is normal refraction and focusing of light. Mixed astigmatism different meridians is a unique combination of myopia and hypermetropia.
On the degree scale, having the form of a semicircle, determine the types of astigmatism (direct, reverse, oblique). To do this, in each case to consider the location of meridians.
Methods of treatment
- Is used to correct optical lenses. For this patient attributed glasses with cylindrical or spherocylindrical lenses, which still need to get used to. Doctors warn about the distorted perception of objects and possible lose time in space.
Can be used hard or soft lenses that many patients seem more comfortable. They can be spherical (standard) and toroidal shape.
- Is corrected by surgery. Using modern laser techniques or implants are introduced. As shown, these ways are more effective in the treatment of astigmatism.