Repair points at home
Ninety nine million eight hundred twenty nine thousand two hundred fifty nine
Eyes – mirrors of the soul. But someday, for various reasons, these "mirrors" are starting to show the murky reflection and to regain the clarity necessary to use glasses. This useful accessory is not only widely known but also used different age groups of people starting from the youngest and ending with the elderly. For those who are constantly working in front of a computer or required to read large volumes of text, sooner or later have to deal with vision impairment. For them, the best solution is wearing glasses. But, as in the case of sudden failure of the rim?
In such situations, one can resort to an experienced master who is skillful movements will repair frames and returns the previous accessory view. There are cases when it is possible to do with his hands.
Frequent breakdowns and the ways to fix at home
If you Unscrew the screw the simplest case. Using a pointed knife, without any special effort to screw the screw back into place until it stops and use the points on. If broken plastic or metal rim will help the super glue that you can accurately join pieces of glasses, trying not to leave gaps or visible seams.
If dropped glass. In this case, it is necessary to know the characteristics of different types of frames and their structure. In the case of poluostrove glasses, glass on one side of the holding frame, and the lower part of the pillar of the fishing line is threaded through Neopor and Saushkin. If the fishing line was pulled out from one side using a needle and fishing line with a diameter of 0.8 mm to restore the previous view points. To do this, you must:
Warm up and locking the ends of the line must be quickly, as due to its properties, the polymer scaffold is committed when it is cooled rapidly to return to its former size.
If you break the earhook. The trendy types of frames ear pieces from a distance are mounted on a decorative piece with a small screw. When it weakens or falls, in his place, insert the other with a similar size. If the earhook is broken at the base of the hinge or in the middle will help the super glue.
This is a common simple cases of breakdowns that you can handle yourself. But if the points are really valuable, and you don't want to risk them and even more to break – it is safer to go to a professional to have it repaired points. He quickly and skillfully returns the frame of the former, and the owner of clear gaze.
Eyes – mirrors of the soul. But someday, for various reasons, these "mirrors" are starting to show the murky reflection and to regain the clarity necessary to use glasses. This useful accessory is not only widely known but also used different age groups of people starting from the youngest and ending with the elderly. For those who are constantly working in front of a computer or required to read large volumes of text, sooner or later have to deal with vision impairment. For them, the best solution is wearing glasses. But, as in the case of sudden failure of the rim?
In such situations, one can resort to an experienced master who is skillful movements will repair frames and returns the previous accessory view. There are cases when it is possible to do with his hands.
Frequent breakdowns and the ways to fix at home
If you Unscrew the screw the simplest case. Using a pointed knife, without any special effort to screw the screw back into place until it stops and use the points on. If broken plastic or metal rim will help the super glue that you can accurately join pieces of glasses, trying not to leave gaps or visible seams.
If dropped glass. In this case, it is necessary to know the characteristics of different types of frames and their structure. In the case of poluostrove glasses, glass on one side of the holding frame, and the lower part of the pillar of the fishing line is threaded through Neopor and Saushkin. If the fishing line was pulled out from one side using a needle and fishing line with a diameter of 0.8 mm to restore the previous view points. To do this, you must:

- pull the remaining line from the other end;
- measure the cut with fishing line;
- thinning one end of the fishing line;
- thread the fishing line through the hole in nanopore;
- insert the glass into its rightful place;
- with the help of candles, a lighter or soldering iron to heat up along the length of the line and slightly tighten in the direction of the earhook;
- carefully thread the fishing line through the second hole;
- using a heated nail to melt a bit and flatten the end of the line.
Warm up and locking the ends of the line must be quickly, as due to its properties, the polymer scaffold is committed when it is cooled rapidly to return to its former size.
If you break the earhook. The trendy types of frames ear pieces from a distance are mounted on a decorative piece with a small screw. When it weakens or falls, in his place, insert the other with a similar size. If the earhook is broken at the base of the hinge or in the middle will help the super glue.
This is a common simple cases of breakdowns that you can handle yourself. But if the points are really valuable, and you don't want to risk them and even more to break – it is safer to go to a professional to have it repaired points. He quickly and skillfully returns the frame of the former, and the owner of clear gaze.
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