Environmentally friendly product: the main advantages and disadvantages
Sixty four million four hundred sixty eight thousand seven hundred twenty seven
Smoky oven in the house that has a fireplace, many call obsolete invention. After all, today there is it a very good alternative. And it's not about electric fireplaces-space heaters, but about the product. What is this device and what is its advantage?
What is the product?
A good example was set by the Italians, who came up with such an invention. This happened in 1977 when Giuseppe Lucifora filed a patent on the stove, which does not require a flue. Although it uses ordinary light. Here there is not only smoke, but also ash and ash. This means that there is no soot.
The bio fireplace can be installed in any room. First, the fuel used is alcohol. And then came up with a special fuel — denatured ethanol. Initially, such a heating device was worth several thousand dollars. But as it began to release different companies and there was competition, the price of these devices began to fall. The fireplace consists of a firebox, a built-in reservoir and burner. Here you can adjust the flame, which is done with cover-slider.
The advantages and disadvantages of fireplace
Any technology has its both advantages and disadvantages. The same applies to the present invention. Among the advantages one can distinguish the following moments:
But all such heaters have their drawbacks. Since here there is an outdoor fire, burning oxygen in the room have to be ventilated. But it refers to any fireplaces where there's fire. If the room has an area less than 25 m2, the fireplace cannot be used. By cons can be attributed to the high cost of these devices, and also the fact that constantly faced with the biofuel. It is important that refueling be the source of heat, until it burns, in any case impossible.
Smoky oven in the house that has a fireplace, many call obsolete invention. After all, today there is it a very good alternative. And it's not about electric fireplaces-space heaters, but about the product. What is this device and what is its advantage?

What is the product?
A good example was set by the Italians, who came up with such an invention. This happened in 1977 when Giuseppe Lucifora filed a patent on the stove, which does not require a flue. Although it uses ordinary light. Here there is not only smoke, but also ash and ash. This means that there is no soot.

The bio fireplace can be installed in any room. First, the fuel used is alcohol. And then came up with a special fuel — denatured ethanol. Initially, such a heating device was worth several thousand dollars. But as it began to release different companies and there was competition, the price of these devices began to fall. The fireplace consists of a firebox, a built-in reservoir and burner. Here you can adjust the flame, which is done with cover-slider.
The advantages and disadvantages of fireplace
Any technology has its both advantages and disadvantages. The same applies to the present invention. Among the advantages one can distinguish the following moments:
- it is allowed to use not only in private houses and city apartments;
- it is a completely safe heating device;
- not allocated not only smoke, but also other harmful substances;
- is achieved the ease and convenience of operation;
- don't need a chimney and additional communication.
But all such heaters have their drawbacks. Since here there is an outdoor fire, burning oxygen in the room have to be ventilated. But it refers to any fireplaces where there's fire. If the room has an area less than 25 m2, the fireplace cannot be used. By cons can be attributed to the high cost of these devices, and also the fact that constantly faced with the biofuel. It is important that refueling be the source of heat, until it burns, in any case impossible.