If you've read the book published and became a bestseller in the year of your birth?
Ten million eight hundred seventy nine thousand seven hundred ninety seven
1950 – "the lion, the witch and the wardrobe", cs Lewis
1951- "the catcher in the rye", JD Salinger
1952 – "the old Man and the sea", Ernest Hemingway
1953 – "451 Fahrenheit" ray Bradbury
1954 – "The Lord Of The Rings", JRR Tolkien
1955 – "Lolita", Vladimir Nabokov
1956 – "The Fall", Albert Camus
1957 – "How the Grinch stole Christmas", Dr. seuss
1958 – "Breakfast at Tiffany's", Truman Capote
1959 – "the Tin drum", günter grass
1960 – "to Kill a Mockingbird", Harper Lee
1961 – "Stranger in a foreign country", Robert Heinlein
1962 – "Break time", Madeleine L Engle
1963 – "the bell jar", Sylvia Plath
1964 – "Charlie and the chocolate factory", Roald Dahl
1965 – "Ariel", Sylvia Plath
1966 – "Flowers for Algernon", Daniel Keyes
1967 – "one Hundred years of solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
1968 – "do androids Dream elektroauto?", Philip K. Dick
1969 – "Slaughterhouse-five, or the children's Crusade", Kurt Vonnegut
1970 – "the Seagull named Jonathan Livingston Seagull", Richard Bach
1971 – "Fear and loathing in Las Vegas", hunter S. Thompson
1972 – "Dwellers of hills", Richard Adams
1973 – "the Princess bride", William Goldman
1974 – "the Spy, come forth!", John Le Carre
1975 – "Shogun", James \ Par \ Tab
1976 – "Songs Of Pernod", Ann Mackery
1977 – The Shining, Stephen King
1978 – "the World through the eyes of GARP", John Irving
1979 – "the History, the end of which no", Michael ende
1980 – "the name of the rose", Umberto Eco
1981 – "midnight Children", Salman Rushdie
1982 – "house of the spirits", Isabel Allende
1983 – "the Colour of magic", Terry Pratchett
1984 – "the Unbearable lightness of being", Milan Kundera
1985 – "Perfume" - Patrick Suskind
1986 – "It", Stephen King
1987 – "Watchmen", Alan Moore
1988 – "The Alchemist", Paolo Coelho
1989 – "Club joy luck", Amy tan
1990 – "Jurassic Park", Michael Crichton
1991 – "World Of Sofia", Jostein Gaarder
1992 – "the secret history", Donna of Tartt
1993 – "the Virgin suicides", Jeffrey Eugenides
1994 – "Wind-Up Bird Chronicle", By Haruki Murakami
1995 – "Blindness" - José Saramago
1996 – "Game of thrones", George R. R. Martin
1997 – "Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone", J. To. Rowling
1998 – "The Hours", Michael Cunningham
1999 – "Good to be a wallflower", Stephen Chbosky
2000 – "Life Of PI", Yann Martel
2001 – "the secret life of bees", sue monk Kidd
2002 – "the Lovely bones", Alice Sebold
2003 – "the wife of the traveller in time," Audrey Niffenegger
2004 – "Cloud Atlas", David Mitchell
2005 – "the Book thief", Markus Zusak
1950 – "the lion, the witch and the wardrobe", cs Lewis
1951- "the catcher in the rye", JD Salinger
1952 – "the old Man and the sea", Ernest Hemingway
1953 – "451 Fahrenheit" ray Bradbury
1954 – "The Lord Of The Rings", JRR Tolkien
1955 – "Lolita", Vladimir Nabokov
1956 – "The Fall", Albert Camus
1957 – "How the Grinch stole Christmas", Dr. seuss
1958 – "Breakfast at Tiffany's", Truman Capote
1959 – "the Tin drum", günter grass
1960 – "to Kill a Mockingbird", Harper Lee
1961 – "Stranger in a foreign country", Robert Heinlein
1962 – "Break time", Madeleine L Engle
1963 – "the bell jar", Sylvia Plath
1964 – "Charlie and the chocolate factory", Roald Dahl
1965 – "Ariel", Sylvia Plath
1966 – "Flowers for Algernon", Daniel Keyes
1967 – "one Hundred years of solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
1968 – "do androids Dream elektroauto?", Philip K. Dick
1969 – "Slaughterhouse-five, or the children's Crusade", Kurt Vonnegut
1970 – "the Seagull named Jonathan Livingston Seagull", Richard Bach
1971 – "Fear and loathing in Las Vegas", hunter S. Thompson
1972 – "Dwellers of hills", Richard Adams
1973 – "the Princess bride", William Goldman
1974 – "the Spy, come forth!", John Le Carre
1975 – "Shogun", James \ Par \ Tab
1976 – "Songs Of Pernod", Ann Mackery
1977 – The Shining, Stephen King
1978 – "the World through the eyes of GARP", John Irving
1979 – "the History, the end of which no", Michael ende
1980 – "the name of the rose", Umberto Eco
1981 – "midnight Children", Salman Rushdie
1982 – "house of the spirits", Isabel Allende
1983 – "the Colour of magic", Terry Pratchett
1984 – "the Unbearable lightness of being", Milan Kundera
1985 – "Perfume" - Patrick Suskind
1986 – "It", Stephen King
1987 – "Watchmen", Alan Moore
1988 – "The Alchemist", Paolo Coelho
1989 – "Club joy luck", Amy tan
1990 – "Jurassic Park", Michael Crichton
1991 – "World Of Sofia", Jostein Gaarder
1992 – "the secret history", Donna of Tartt
1993 – "the Virgin suicides", Jeffrey Eugenides
1994 – "Wind-Up Bird Chronicle", By Haruki Murakami
1995 – "Blindness" - José Saramago
1996 – "Game of thrones", George R. R. Martin
1997 – "Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone", J. To. Rowling
1998 – "The Hours", Michael Cunningham
1999 – "Good to be a wallflower", Stephen Chbosky
2000 – "Life Of PI", Yann Martel
2001 – "the secret life of bees", sue monk Kidd
2002 – "the Lovely bones", Alice Sebold
2003 – "the wife of the traveller in time," Audrey Niffenegger
2004 – "Cloud Atlas", David Mitchell
2005 – "the Book thief", Markus Zusak
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