The choice of monitors for home or office use
Fifty nine million six hundred seventy five thousand eight hundred ninety three
Continuous development and improvement of technology has expanded the possibilities not only industrial and manufacturing areas, and areas of leisure. Now literally everything is dependent on computer technology. Therefore manufacturers of gadgets and devices trying to produce powerful models that meet the requirements of modern users. Buying a desktop computer, you can choose a sufficiently powerful system unit and no less functional monitor. Online store Cyfra.ua offers an interesting model for pupils, students or businesses. To navigate the site has an active link, so the buyers will easily find the necessary goods.
Select the correct monitor
A range of available models allows to choose the right device according to the technical parameters, functionality and appearance. Also, monitors vary in cost, what is no less important. However, it is important to pay attention to the following parameters:
Popular sizes
The monitor size selected according to the purpose of the planned purchase. Therefore, in the usual version offers all the standard devices with screens of 19 inches. Higher quality image and the high resolution models differ by 22 inches. For installation in offices and factory offices will be a useful display with a diagonal of 24 inches. Formats 16*9 and 16*10 feature a significant height and are comfortable enough for office use.
The choice of the matrix
Monitors for the workplace employee of the firm or company different from the game models. LCD design is equipped with a different series of matrices, and use the model of the TFT in different ways:
Any design can be supplemented with a multimedia set-top boxes for video and games. Also available TV tuners or excellent acoustics.
Continuous development and improvement of technology has expanded the possibilities not only industrial and manufacturing areas, and areas of leisure. Now literally everything is dependent on computer technology. Therefore manufacturers of gadgets and devices trying to produce powerful models that meet the requirements of modern users. Buying a desktop computer, you can choose a sufficiently powerful system unit and no less functional monitor. Online store Cyfra.ua offers an interesting model for pupils, students or businesses. To navigate the site has an active link, so the buyers will easily find the necessary goods.
Select the correct monitor
A range of available models allows to choose the right device according to the technical parameters, functionality and appearance. Also, monitors vary in cost, what is no less important. However, it is important to pay attention to the following parameters:
- format of screen – measured in inches;
- features a built-in matrix, which will depend on the quality of the picture;
- a wide range of brightness settings and high resolution;
- the time required for the response;
- the presence of additional functionality.
Popular sizes
The monitor size selected according to the purpose of the planned purchase. Therefore, in the usual version offers all the standard devices with screens of 19 inches. Higher quality image and the high resolution models differ by 22 inches. For installation in offices and factory offices will be a useful display with a diagonal of 24 inches. Formats 16*9 and 16*10 feature a significant height and are comfortable enough for office use.
The choice of the matrix
Monitors for the workplace employee of the firm or company different from the game models. LCD design is equipped with a different series of matrices, and use the model of the TFT in different ways:
- the oldest is version TN;
- for quality color and graphic transmission of selected IP model;
- if the monitor will be actively used, then don't skimp on the MVA option.
Any design can be supplemented with a multimedia set-top boxes for video and games. Also available TV tuners or excellent acoustics.