Choice of employment
Summer - time for the holidays. It's time to prepare the sleigh. Those who prepare the summer. In my case - urgently needs to choose an office suit. Here, sit choose.
Story office suit began in the 30s of the 20th century, when the emancipation raged to such an extent that even the women of high society even began to slowly work, not only to monitor the house. But then the office suit itself was not, he had just begun to emerge, and appeared after the war, when women went to work specifically.
Fashion was then several paramilitary and office suit, created by then, too, was very strict: straight skirt, lack of ornamentation, strict silhouette ... Virtually so he preserved to this day. Only slightly modernized: skirt remained the same long, its length remains the same - to the knee. But the fabric was different, and the top has become less formal, changed color and became more feminine traits.
Office suit has long been overregulated - rules existed just about every accessory and garment - whether tights or shoes. Nowadays office suit gradually began to blur, to acquire a new shape, it becomes more interesting and more freely. Now it is rather a "line of thinking", "Theme" - the so-called smartcasual. So I decided to experiment - to take an example from the royal costume. After all, who does not like to be the benchmark of royalty.
Since office suit came from the 50's, I started it since that time. Dovima demonstrates dresses that now would be relevant for the office. In winter, of course.
Standard office style - Jacqueline Kennedy. In a formal setting she wore only bourgeois, suits, highlight the official event. Straight cut clothes, large buttons and collars ... Dresses without a triangle cut. Elegant and formal.
Princess Diana Spencer let herself in clothes much more. Among its toilets can be found a large number of informal dress, she wore jeans, a blouse with a cut, men's shirts, sweaters and so on ... But in her wardrobe there are also purely office suits - though they are all colored and combined with pearls. Lady Di shoes were always clean office - boats.
The heroines of our time - Michelle Obama and Kate Middleton. Michelle strictly adheres to cut - but experimenting with fabrics, choosing the most luxurious. Kate is prone to a more free and democratic tailoring fabrics, but always balance their costumes strict jacket. Most of its toilets are very elegant.
Of course, all the other stars also sometimes wear costumes that you can use as inspiration. I like the costume Barbra Streisand - such a nice plaid combined with the hat. And, although the hat to the office today to wear is not accepted, the image itself is very good.
What to choose for office suit? There are a few rules.
1. The length of the skirt is still the same - to just above the knee. Transparency tends to zero. No transparent fabrics, gas gyupyura. Color - discreet, soft, mostly gray, blue, pastel. This should be a strict cut dress or shirt or blouse with a skirt. You can wear jeans and jumpers, if jeans are classic and reminiscent of pants, a sweater does not hurt the eyes.
2. Shoes must be on average heel, in harmony with the rest of the suit. You can afford to open shoes, sandals, stud, but democracy should not go beyond reasonable. Accessories should be small and soft, are not selected for attention. And they have to be expensive - it was at the price of watches and pens for you judged as a business partner.
3. Clothing should be of high quality, even the expensive and stylish. As applicable office items can be used coat, jacket or cardigan with a plain white shirt or topom.
4. Clothing should fit together. It is appropriate to use some bright detail, shawl, scarf, gloves, but the skirt must match the jacket and shoes to his belt. Raznostilevyh ensemble in the office is not welcome.
5. Sport clothes elements better in a suit does not include. Even if you want to shorts - they must have an office plan.
6. The legs should be ... adults. Permissible to go without stockings, but unacceptable to walk in socks or socks, even nylon.
7. The hair should be neatly stacked. The office is not the place of creativity - hats, tiaras, hairpins and feathers. Obodochek also better to leave the house. But the ability to use the pins - can be useful.
Thank God, designers often offer us office options in their collections. And many of them are quite beautiful and elegant that facilitates healthy choices. White, black, orange, red ... I buy the five, wrap:))
Story office suit began in the 30s of the 20th century, when the emancipation raged to such an extent that even the women of high society even began to slowly work, not only to monitor the house. But then the office suit itself was not, he had just begun to emerge, and appeared after the war, when women went to work specifically.
Fashion was then several paramilitary and office suit, created by then, too, was very strict: straight skirt, lack of ornamentation, strict silhouette ... Virtually so he preserved to this day. Only slightly modernized: skirt remained the same long, its length remains the same - to the knee. But the fabric was different, and the top has become less formal, changed color and became more feminine traits.

Office suit has long been overregulated - rules existed just about every accessory and garment - whether tights or shoes. Nowadays office suit gradually began to blur, to acquire a new shape, it becomes more interesting and more freely. Now it is rather a "line of thinking", "Theme" - the so-called smartcasual. So I decided to experiment - to take an example from the royal costume. After all, who does not like to be the benchmark of royalty.
Since office suit came from the 50's, I started it since that time. Dovima demonstrates dresses that now would be relevant for the office. In winter, of course.

Standard office style - Jacqueline Kennedy. In a formal setting she wore only bourgeois, suits, highlight the official event. Straight cut clothes, large buttons and collars ... Dresses without a triangle cut. Elegant and formal.

Princess Diana Spencer let herself in clothes much more. Among its toilets can be found a large number of informal dress, she wore jeans, a blouse with a cut, men's shirts, sweaters and so on ... But in her wardrobe there are also purely office suits - though they are all colored and combined with pearls. Lady Di shoes were always clean office - boats.
The heroines of our time - Michelle Obama and Kate Middleton. Michelle strictly adheres to cut - but experimenting with fabrics, choosing the most luxurious. Kate is prone to a more free and democratic tailoring fabrics, but always balance their costumes strict jacket. Most of its toilets are very elegant.

Of course, all the other stars also sometimes wear costumes that you can use as inspiration. I like the costume Barbra Streisand - such a nice plaid combined with the hat. And, although the hat to the office today to wear is not accepted, the image itself is very good.

What to choose for office suit? There are a few rules.
1. The length of the skirt is still the same - to just above the knee. Transparency tends to zero. No transparent fabrics, gas gyupyura. Color - discreet, soft, mostly gray, blue, pastel. This should be a strict cut dress or shirt or blouse with a skirt. You can wear jeans and jumpers, if jeans are classic and reminiscent of pants, a sweater does not hurt the eyes.

2. Shoes must be on average heel, in harmony with the rest of the suit. You can afford to open shoes, sandals, stud, but democracy should not go beyond reasonable. Accessories should be small and soft, are not selected for attention. And they have to be expensive - it was at the price of watches and pens for you judged as a business partner.
3. Clothing should be of high quality, even the expensive and stylish. As applicable office items can be used coat, jacket or cardigan with a plain white shirt or topom.
4. Clothing should fit together. It is appropriate to use some bright detail, shawl, scarf, gloves, but the skirt must match the jacket and shoes to his belt. Raznostilevyh ensemble in the office is not welcome.
5. Sport clothes elements better in a suit does not include. Even if you want to shorts - they must have an office plan.
6. The legs should be ... adults. Permissible to go without stockings, but unacceptable to walk in socks or socks, even nylon.
7. The hair should be neatly stacked. The office is not the place of creativity - hats, tiaras, hairpins and feathers. Obodochek also better to leave the house. But the ability to use the pins - can be useful.
Thank God, designers often offer us office options in their collections. And many of them are quite beautiful and elegant that facilitates healthy choices. White, black, orange, red ... I buy the five, wrap:))