3 safe ways to get rid of insects in the house
Ninety five million seven hundred twenty thousand three hundred forty six
To get rid of insects with poisons very easy, but very dangerous, especially if you have children and Pets.
The website has collected advice on how to get rid of the intruders once and for all by using the most secure means.
How to get rid of cockroaches
How to get rid of ants
Put a pinch of corn flour in the place where the ants definitely will carry prey to the nest and eat. The results of this method will appear in a few weeks.
How to get rid of mosquitoes
via ru.depositphotos.com/81653262/stock-photo-the-chain-of-ants-closeup.html?utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=RU-brand
To get rid of insects with poisons very easy, but very dangerous, especially if you have children and Pets.
The website has collected advice on how to get rid of the intruders once and for all by using the most secure means.
How to get rid of cockroaches

- Cut the onions into small pieces.
- Mix onion with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate — another name for baking soda).
- Put the mixture in places where the cockroaches.
How to get rid of ants

Put a pinch of corn flour in the place where the ants definitely will carry prey to the nest and eat. The results of this method will appear in a few weeks.
How to get rid of mosquitoes

- Apply oil on a clean sponge.
- Place the sponge in a jar and let stand for 24 hours in a closed form.
- Open the lid to smell the oil spread around the room.
via ru.depositphotos.com/81653262/stock-photo-the-chain-of-ants-closeup.html?utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=RU-brand
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