Interesting about Sandra Bullock

1. The ideal actress menu: fried chicken in Kentucky with mashed potatoes, pizza with mushrooms and ham (certainly with onions), and chocolate souffle, ice cream and gummi bears.
2. Skills: can knit a sweater for 4 days, he speaks German, good dancing Latin dances (especially loves salsa and flamenco).
3. His favorite expression: "It is my sausage!" (Which means "It's none of your business»).
4. allergic to horses.
5. Can not live without massage.
6. Pets: dogs breed brood Jack rasselterer.
7. On a desert island would take: a toothbrush, change of underwear and a video camera.
8. Both mother and father dreamed of seeing a famous singer Sandra, causing the little Sandra aversion to classical music. To avoid annoying notes and scales, a girl of seven years "accidentally" cut her both hands.
9. Once the parents took her to the Salzburg opera - to fulfill one of the supporting roles. Sandra arranged on the stage such buffoonery that mothers had to pay a large fine - on a musical career girl was put bold cross.
10. "Germany's" - so contemptuously called Sandra classmates. She studied medium, but in high school led support group.
11. The actress has a scar near his left eye - the result of a child jumping on rocks across a river. In addition, a child younger sister of actress hit her elbow in the face and broke his nose. Sandra underwent emergency plastic surgery.
12. He loves to shop, sit on the Internet.
13. The actress never smoked and do not do drugs because he is afraid of getting cancer.
14. When the clumsy plumbing nearly destroyed half of a house, she has set in his own home in Los Angeles toilet. There she lives with her younger sister Dzhezinoy and three dogs.
15. When was the manager of the actress, her father, he forbade her daughter to drive a motorcycle and forced transfer to the armored limousine with two bodyguards.
16. The actress has a private broadcaster.
17. Sandra six times nominated in the category "Best Actress", three times - "the most desirable actress" and once in the categories of "Best Kiss" (with Keanu Reeves), "Worst Actress," "Worst-screen duet" (with Jason Patrick) and "Worst Actress".