12 damn accurate comic book about how our lives change after 25 years
Thirteen million four hundred thirty four thousand seven hundred ninety six
With a certain age our tastes begin to change: some things cease to matter, while others, conversely, become pretty important.
Taking as a kind of boundary mark in 25 years, we
remember different life situations and put them in these colorful comics.
Illustrator Mariya Zavolokina
specifically for
the Website
via #image1302815
See also
7 Comic honest about how time affects our relationship
17 funny comic about how difficult to be a woman
20 sincere comic about how hard it is to be a mom
13 comics about how our love looks before and after 30 years
14 comic books about how different life with a cat and dog life
10 illustrations on how to change a man's life after marriage
11 comics that relations with sarcastic people is fun
15 situations that are all who have a brother or sister
15 things that happened 15 years ago, and it seems like only yesterday
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Natural Beauty (51 photos)
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