11 fathers of celebrities who love their children
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Famous men often have to combine shooting films or touring with one of the most important lessons in life — fatherhood. I have no doubt that it is a difficult task. But Hollywood actors, famous musicians and the players prove it to them all the difficulties on the shoulder.
Site offers a look at 11 celebrities who perfectly cope with fatherhood.
Chris Hemsworth (Chris Hemsworth)
Chris is a father of three children and part-time tor. It tells his wife Elsa Pataky (Elsa Pataky), the actor loves to cook meals for their children. Never mind that he had just returned from the premiere of one of the films.
David Beckham (David Beckham)
David — a British football player who, judging by the pictures in Instagram, just loves his children. Beckham have three sons and one daughter, who, apparently, is a favorite of the Pope.
Dwayne Johnson (Dwayne Johnson)
Johnson is an American professional wrestler, actor and dad of two daughters, one of whom is already an adult. The second — a little girl. It was a photo with her "the Rock" published in Instagram, when put together cute signature.
Mark Wahlberg (Mark Wahlberg)
Actor, musician, philanthropist and father of many children. Along with his wife, mark and has two sons and two daughters. Images of children appear regularly on the page Wahlberg in Instagram.
Orlando Bloom (Orlando Bloom)
The actor is raising 7-year-old son and is happily photographed with the baby.
Jensen Ackles (Jensen Ackles)
Eccles is not only actor, but Director, singer and father of three children. On his page in Instagram you can find a lot of cute pictures and even videos, which Jensen plays with her eldest daughter
Mark Ruffalo (Mark Ruffalo)
The actor raises with his wife three children. They are pretty much adults. Mark often talks about how star family spends weekdays and published the corresponding photos.
Neil Patrick Harris (Neil Patrick Harris)
The actor is raising twins that were born from a surrogate mother. Star dad often puts in Instagram pictures of the kids.
Chris Pratt (Chris Pratt)
"Star-Lord" rarely shows his son to the public. But his wife Anna Faris (Anna Faris) is pleased to share pictures of her son and husband in Instagram and Twitter.
Matthew McConaughey (Matthew McConaughey)
Actor, film Director, screenwriter and producer manages to raise with his wife three children: two sons and a daughter. McConaughey shares photos of children only in special cases, leaving the details of their lives secret.
Ryan Reynolds (Ryan Reynolds)
It seems like Reynolds is not out of the role of the hero with a great sense of humor. On Twitter, the actor regularly writes funny posts about my two daughters. But Instagram Ryan and his wife do not find images of girls. The official photos confirm that the actor is crazy about his children.
Photo on preview @elsapatakyconfidential, @therock
via www.instagram.com/p/BQZSXkRg50f/
Famous men often have to combine shooting films or touring with one of the most important lessons in life — fatherhood. I have no doubt that it is a difficult task. But Hollywood actors, famous musicians and the players prove it to them all the difficulties on the shoulder.
Site offers a look at 11 celebrities who perfectly cope with fatherhood.
Chris Hemsworth (Chris Hemsworth)

Chris is a father of three children and part-time tor. It tells his wife Elsa Pataky (Elsa Pataky), the actor loves to cook meals for their children. Never mind that he had just returned from the premiere of one of the films.
David Beckham (David Beckham)

David — a British football player who, judging by the pictures in Instagram, just loves his children. Beckham have three sons and one daughter, who, apparently, is a favorite of the Pope.
Dwayne Johnson (Dwayne Johnson)

Johnson is an American professional wrestler, actor and dad of two daughters, one of whom is already an adult. The second — a little girl. It was a photo with her "the Rock" published in Instagram, when put together cute signature.
Mark Wahlberg (Mark Wahlberg)
Actor, musician, philanthropist and father of many children. Along with his wife, mark and has two sons and two daughters. Images of children appear regularly on the page Wahlberg in Instagram.
Orlando Bloom (Orlando Bloom)
The actor is raising 7-year-old son and is happily photographed with the baby.
Jensen Ackles (Jensen Ackles)

Eccles is not only actor, but Director, singer and father of three children. On his page in Instagram you can find a lot of cute pictures and even videos, which Jensen plays with her eldest daughter
Mark Ruffalo (Mark Ruffalo)
The actor raises with his wife three children. They are pretty much adults. Mark often talks about how star family spends weekdays and published the corresponding photos.
Neil Patrick Harris (Neil Patrick Harris)

The actor is raising twins that were born from a surrogate mother. Star dad often puts in Instagram pictures of the kids.
Chris Pratt (Chris Pratt)

"Star-Lord" rarely shows his son to the public. But his wife Anna Faris (Anna Faris) is pleased to share pictures of her son and husband in Instagram and Twitter.
Matthew McConaughey (Matthew McConaughey)

Actor, film Director, screenwriter and producer manages to raise with his wife three children: two sons and a daughter. McConaughey shares photos of children only in special cases, leaving the details of their lives secret.
Ryan Reynolds (Ryan Reynolds)

It seems like Reynolds is not out of the role of the hero with a great sense of humor. On Twitter, the actor regularly writes funny posts about my two daughters. But Instagram Ryan and his wife do not find images of girls. The official photos confirm that the actor is crazy about his children.
Photo on preview @elsapatakyconfidential, @therock
via www.instagram.com/p/BQZSXkRg50f/
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