4 tasks, which handle only 10% of graduates
Forty nine million one hundred seventy three thousand nine hundred forty six
Modern authors of tasks for students not sit around and come up with a puzzle, you have to string up the brains to the whole family.
Site found 4 jobs that cause difficulties for 90% of the students and their parents, although the decision is basic knowledge of mathematics.
1. Five million one hundred four thousand six hundred fifty four
Forty six million six hundred thirty five thousand seven hundred nine
2. Eighty six million two hundred eight thousand three hundred twenty seven
Ninety six million two hundred ninety thousand four hundred twenty
3. Ninety one million seven hundred five thousand two hundred twenty
Seventy eight million five hundred twenty three thousand three hundred sixty eight
4. Ninety seven million three hundred eighty thousand eighty two
Seventy six million three hundred sixty six thousand six hundred seventy three
via adme.ru
Modern authors of tasks for students not sit around and come up with a puzzle, you have to string up the brains to the whole family.
Site found 4 jobs that cause difficulties for 90% of the students and their parents, although the decision is basic knowledge of mathematics.
1. Five million one hundred four thousand six hundred fifty four
Forty six million six hundred thirty five thousand seven hundred nine
2. Eighty six million two hundred eight thousand three hundred twenty seven
Ninety six million two hundred ninety thousand four hundred twenty
3. Ninety one million seven hundred five thousand two hundred twenty
Seventy eight million five hundred twenty three thousand three hundred sixty eight
4. Ninety seven million three hundred eighty thousand eighty two
Seventy six million three hundred sixty six thousand six hundred seventy three
via adme.ru
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