5 signs that delicious a strawberry can be distinguished from "plastic»
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Strawberries are a wonderful berry, which besides its great taste and aroma has a huge number of useful properties. For example, it contains a lot of antioxidants, magnesium and potassium.
In anticipation of the beginning of strawberry season Site gathered for you some tips that will help avoid mistakes when choosing this delicacy.
1. The smell
First and foremost, you should pay attention to when buying strawberries is, of course, her scent. A good strawberry is a rich, bright aroma, without any external impurities. If the strawberry smells slightly, most likely it was grown using chemicals.
2. Color
"Right" the strawberries should be bright red and slightly shiny. The berries are a dark Burgundy color should be treated with caution: unscrupulous sellers could tint them to give the presentation. Pale, sometimes green strawberries not worth buying after the berries are plucked from the garden, they will not ripen.
3. The size and shape of
There are many varieties of strawberries, so any General recommendations about what size and shape should be of berries, no.Do not chase too large strawberries it is quite possible that she was drugged with water to add volume. Also you need to pay attention to dents and other damage —these berries have already started to rot.
4. Leaves
Much about the quality of the strawberry can tell the frame and leaf. First of all, this piece just needs to be the strawberry does not keep long. Second, leaves should be dry. The reverse says that the berries have been sitting on the counter for a couple days. The color of the leaves should be deep green. And another tip from the experienced: strawberry, which is between the leaf and the base is the distance likely to be sweet. If the leaf clings to the base firmly, berry will be a little sour.
5. Seeds
Another interesting way to visually assess the quality of strawberry is to look at the seeds. The farther apart they are located and the more buried deeper, the sweeter the berry. Of course, the scientific evidence at this trick no, but more fun to try, isn't it?
Photos on the preview depositphotos.com
via ru.depositphotos.com/59171727/stock-photo-group-of-five-strawberries-isolated.html?utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=RU-brand
Strawberries are a wonderful berry, which besides its great taste and aroma has a huge number of useful properties. For example, it contains a lot of antioxidants, magnesium and potassium.
In anticipation of the beginning of strawberry season Site gathered for you some tips that will help avoid mistakes when choosing this delicacy.
1. The smell

First and foremost, you should pay attention to when buying strawberries is, of course, her scent. A good strawberry is a rich, bright aroma, without any external impurities. If the strawberry smells slightly, most likely it was grown using chemicals.
2. Color

"Right" the strawberries should be bright red and slightly shiny. The berries are a dark Burgundy color should be treated with caution: unscrupulous sellers could tint them to give the presentation. Pale, sometimes green strawberries not worth buying after the berries are plucked from the garden, they will not ripen.
3. The size and shape of

There are many varieties of strawberries, so any General recommendations about what size and shape should be of berries, no.Do not chase too large strawberries it is quite possible that she was drugged with water to add volume. Also you need to pay attention to dents and other damage —these berries have already started to rot.
4. Leaves

Much about the quality of the strawberry can tell the frame and leaf. First of all, this piece just needs to be the strawberry does not keep long. Second, leaves should be dry. The reverse says that the berries have been sitting on the counter for a couple days. The color of the leaves should be deep green. And another tip from the experienced: strawberry, which is between the leaf and the base is the distance likely to be sweet. If the leaf clings to the base firmly, berry will be a little sour.
5. Seeds

Another interesting way to visually assess the quality of strawberry is to look at the seeds. The farther apart they are located and the more buried deeper, the sweeter the berry. Of course, the scientific evidence at this trick no, but more fun to try, isn't it?
Photos on the preview depositphotos.com
via ru.depositphotos.com/59171727/stock-photo-group-of-five-strawberries-isolated.html?utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=RU-brand
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